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how do these otc archery outfitters do it?

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I feel like this might be a dumb question but how do these otc archery outfitters like big chino go on podcasts and talk about consistently being on 180+ deer on otc public land deer hunts and not have issues with people encroaching on their spots and ruining their zones and their outfit? i would think people would book a hunt with them one year and then keep coming back to the same area without booking with them if that truly was the case. I'm assuming it's public land because they talk about other hunters ruining their stalks at times but maybe I am missing something to this equation?


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Can't honestly answer this but... Some guides have access to "public" land that is otherwise landlocked by private land but they gain access by paying access fees to an area through one of the private landholders property. Therefore technically on public land with no pressure making themselves sound badass but not exactly providing full disclosure. 

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Booking non-residents only?

Booking the same group of people year after year that have no interest in going without an outfitter? 

Just my guesses. I’m sure plenty of outfitters/guides have been burnt by booking a client that’s only interested in learning spots and techniques for future DIY hunts. I would imagine They learn to be selective on who they book after it happens once. 

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I've also seen red hot spots exist only in cycles. Every 3-5 years a burnt out spot comes back to life and vice versa.. Outfitters spend or pay for enough time in the field to keep track of productive areas each year.

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There aren’t any guides consistently killing 180 bucks in OTC units.  Maybe one a year with a buddy hunting etc, but not consistently killing bucks like that.  Maybe in big private like the Baca Float or something like that I’d believe that.  

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They spend time there ,know trails year after year, bedding areas feeding areas ,where they water and stick clients in the best possible area. cameras are used and wouldn't doubt if there's some supplamental feeding if they are in safe areas...............Bob!

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They have a hard time with scores.  I’ve seen plenty where they talk about the buck being 180 or bigger and that’s from them looking at it and not measuring it.  Elk are much more inflatable to the point you need to subtract 20” right away from what some of these guides are claiming.  A 180 Net typical is a very big deer.  Many times it can gross over 180 and the net is much lower than that.  I have a set of antlers from NM from 1974 and it grosses 191 and nets just over 180 officially.  When it comes to the final score after drying, that’s something that you usually never see or ever hear about unless it actually makes the book, then they most certainly post about that, but a lot fall short and they never mention that again.  It’s human nature to overestimate things and whenever I hear a score I’m skeptical unless I see a score sheet with an offical scorer’s name after the 90 day drying time.  That is probably what we see a lot of, the overuse 180.  From a guides point of view, it doesn’t hurt to claim being around lots of 180 deer.

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10 hours ago, MrBojangles said:

I feel like this might be a dumb question but how do these otc archery outfitters like big chino go on podcasts and talk about consistently being on 180+ deer on otc public land deer hunts and not have issues with people encroaching on their spots and ruining their zones and their outfit? i would think people would book a hunt with them one year and then keep coming back to the same area without booking with them if that truly was the case. I'm assuming it's public land because they talk about other hunters ruining their stalks at times but maybe I am missing something to this equation?


Just to be clear, I’m not the OP. Lol.


but yes, I’ve seen 180 class bucks while out there on otc archery hunts. 
killing one is a whole other thing.  I saw one last august, couldn’t get within 500 yards…

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