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Archery OTC Hunt Guidelines Webcast

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I ran though yesterday's webcast. They didn't really share any decisions except for the big bad one for us archers: They said they are not going to change archery/overall deer taken percentage. Their reasoning behind it was very flawed I thought, they just happened to find that for the latest year, OTC tags devided by people that apply for the deer draw just happens to be about 20%, "so we are going to leave it." Come on. How about a comparison of that same percentage 30 years ago? I looked up the old hunt books over the last 40 years and that percentage they used jumps all over the place from 12% to 30%, so that is not a good indicator. A much better comparison to gauge archery demand would be to look a t the trend of OTC tags purchased vs Rifle/Muzzy tags given each year. See below. They really need to change their max archery kills percentage to be higher. 


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This was an interesting webcast. I bet that we get option 2 on the archery deer. Or at least a variation of it. And it is clear that mandatory reporting is not going to happen.

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Threshold would be terrible. I can see each unit closing in December before the rut even kicks in. We wouldn't even make it to hunt the actual good rutting. I'm guessing they will leave it as is, but at this point I'd rather see the draw. I'd love to hunt all of January with limited tag holders. 

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