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SBD - Who is responsible for this mess? - Who blocked a reform bill passed in 2005 by the Senate banking committee that would provide oversight/regulatory for fannie and freddie? Senate democrats. Same democrats that protected fannie and freddie received tons of money from fannie and freddie. Some of the Senators who protected Fannie and Freddie, - Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Christopher Dodd


Senator John McCain was one of the three cosponsors of S.190, the bill that would have averted this mess.


Republican did not hold Congress the last 20 years


100th - 87-89 Dems

101st - 89-91 Dems

102nd - 91-93 Dems

103rd - 93-95 Dems

104th - 95-97 Rep

105th - 97-99 Rep

106th - 99-01 Rep

107th - 01-03 Dem/Rep/Dem/Rep

108th 03-05 Rep

109th 05-07 Rep

110th 07-09 Dem



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I'm not afraid of losing my gun rights or my hunting rights, there are too many democrats who back guns (and basically all republicans), and hunting is a STATE governed issue so it shouldn't matter that Palin hunts, what should matter is the difference of a heartbeat from being the most powerful person on the planet.




What about Obama? He would be the heart beat of the president, and his only experience in the Senate (3.5 years) is running for president. At least Palin has two years as an actual working Governor, and she would be a heart beat away, not the heart beat of. And I am convinced that with a democratic congress, Obama would severely damage our gun rights. Look at Klinton, and his "crime" bill.


SilentButDeadly, I admire your courage for posting your views (misguided as they are :P) Makes me think about when I post my anti-public lands cattle grazing view against the welfare ranchers. I get endless crap for that! Guys, be gentle with him. Give him some credit for coming out of the closet.




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SBD you may not be worried about loosing your gun rights, but you almost did! They're under attack every day! All it would have taken was one vote to go the other way and "your" gun rights would have been flushed down the toilet. How sure are you that your gun rights will be upheld after BO appoints another justice or two?


How many of you have ever benefited from civil rights? women's rights? social security or unemployment insurance? medicare or medicaid? Are any/all of these things fundamentally wrong?


I can honestly say that I've never benefited from any of these. In fact I can honestly say that I've lost jobs due to civil rights and womens rights. I'm paying a lot of money to Social Security that I'll never see any benefits from. I've never collected unemployment insurance, but I know millions are living off our welfare system costing honest tax payers and workers a lot of money, and I'm not old enough to collect medicare or medicaid but like SS this program will probably not be around when I'm old enough to start collecting.


Yes I think the above mentioned programs are fundamently wrong. The system is broke and BO aint going to fix it he's just going to add more fuel to the fire.




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azyoung, excellent info dude. you guys watch this guy, he knows how to read. here is a good article that 'splains a little about what caused what is happening on wall street today. and remember one thing, wall street is not the economy. 2 completely different things. wall street is guys trying to make money without working. the economy is guys making money by working. read this article. Lark.





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Lark, I am glad you put it that way......I told a guy the other day that all the money I have is in my pockets or in my bills......don't know one dang thing about the stock market and I consider myself to be fairly educated.


Remeber this....a vote for somebody besides McCain is a vote for Obama......no matter how much you hate to swallow it that is the facts...........

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I'm not a democrat but I will respond to your call anyways. My answer is NO. IMO we cannot afford this guy, hopefully people will wake up and shake off the magic O'Bama dust they've been breathing, and vote like they often do with their pocketbooks. From his ginormous tax increases to fund all of his socialist marxist extremely left programs like his Global Poverty Act to end world poverty and to cut world poverty in half at the expense of American taxpayers by 2015 for the small nominal fee of $845 Billion dollars to be distributed by the UN. Yea right lets put the American Taxpayer on the line for all of the world problems. How bout we spend US taxpayer dollars to fix our problems before we dole it out to the rest of the world, when we all know it will just go to line the pockets of those running the UN and it will make no difference at all. Can't afford this guy that is my reason I won't vote for him, that and I think he's completely clueless as to what makes this country the leader of the free world and why it is the leader of the free world.


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I appreciate that you guys aren't getting personal...


I will say that I've gained new perspectives on alot of issues from reading these political forums over the past couple years, it makes me a more rounded thinker I believe.


I'm going to refrain from replying to any more of the comments though -- I'll leave that to any of the other in-the closet democrat hunters out there, if there are any.



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Remember bro's - no flaming for expressing your view point & I applaud SBD for posting his views.


Let's admit that many of us have some bias that will make us UNMOVED by news, posts, media... we simply made up our mind that [like Popeye] "I yam what I yam - a liberal/conservative man"


What disturbs me is that so many people have labeled this rotten economy as a Bush economy - or the oil, gas and rising food price situation is Bush's fault, or global warming, or the migration of my hair from my head to my back...


Ours is not a monarchy where we can blame EVERYTHING on King Bush. The officials we elected about 2yrs ago swung the pendulum to the Democratic party in both the house and the senate... yet no media outlet [except talk radio or Fox] will remind folks that you get what you vote for. The current house and senate have the lowest approval rating in history - BECAUSE THEY DRAFT AND ENACT THE LAWS - THEY DECIDE HOW MUCH OF OUR MONEY THE GOVERNMENT WILL KEEP AND EXACTLY HOW THEY ARE GONNA WASTE IT.


The President has influence YES, and veto power YES - but we are where we are because both sides of the aisle spend 90% of their time jabbing sticks in the spokes of the other side INSTEAD OF FINDING WAYS TO WORK TOGETHER to make things better.


If BO were elected, with the backing of rocket scientists and rogue scholars like Pelosi and Reid, we would go SCREAMING into the redistribution of wealth, entitlements and guess what friends SOCIALISM! A business owner who votes for BO is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.


I didnt vote for him have NEVER liked John McCain because he has decades of being too friendly with the other side - but someone like him may be the only schmuck that can bolster sufficient support from BOTH sides to make some serious change happen... AND HE HAS A TRACK RECORD OF DOING IT - not just a bunch of celebrity hype and pseudo-savior-syndrome followers.


I am disappointed that G-Dub ran out of gas on major initiatives and did such a piss-poor job of explaining his "what 'n why", but the treatment a sitting President and his/her family receives probably eliminates durn near EVERY quality candidate on either side.

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i think mccain is a little sharper than folks give him credit for. the only real problem i've had with him is how he treated his first wife and the gangster background of his wife's family. which is how he got drug into the keating deal. as far as obama. he's a joke. a really bad joke. the guy has never had a job. never done anything that required sweat or dedication. he was raised richer than any of us could ever imagine. everything he has is a result of his mother's families wealth. yet he chunked them into the woodchipper to gain a little favor with commies. he's surrounded himself with some spooky people. literal convicted terrorists, convicted con men. a couple really goofy "religious" mentors. heck, his home was financed by a real live oil sheik. he's like smoke, going wherever the wind blows him. no real direction, other than to get in the whitehouse. i have some other real deep seated notions about what will happen to society in general, if he gets elected, but i'll save them for after the election. at least mccain has been in the dirt. he has some real life experience. he knows what evil is. and he had the sense and foresight to select a sharp conservative as a running mate. obama should write children's books with the popup things on the pages. because he has no idea what the world is about. i mean other than he's been told by card carryin' commies, religious freaks, convicted terrorists and con men and what he learned in muslim schools. there's some real good training for an American president. Lark.

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obama should write children's books with the popup things on the pages.


Well said Lark!


I want to get with someone really creative that can help me create an audio/visual parity of masses of people with blank stairs on their faces, all running towards a cliff like lemmings with their hands out stretched hoping that by electing their pseudo-savior Obama - he will show them favor/entitlements that will make life easy for them... all the while Babs Streisand singing "Sheepeople, sheepeople who need sheepeople..."


Hey! Wasnt Babs supposed to leave the country and take Martin Sheen, Tim Robbins and Saggy Sarrandon with them if G-dub was re-elected? I guess they can return now.

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I support Obama, the last 8 years are one reason, the last 2 weeks are another reason, the next 10 years are the last one. Republican control of Congress over the last 20 years has helped to create the market situation we are in right now (see Phil Gramm/John McCain to know what I'm talking about), and no I don't think the current Democratic Congress is any step forward, rather I see it as a step back, they are pathetic.


I believe that there needs to be a radical shift in this country's energy policies and economics. Instead of funding Saudi and Emirate princes' luxury jets, palaces, and toys (>$800 billion a year in oil export money), why don't we make some of our own energy -- and not the kind that gushes? The 'next wars' to be fought over oil are already being fought, why don't we remove ourselves from the equation?


Are you afraid of Obama because he is black? democrat? liberal? change? Bob Herbert of the NY Times had an outstanding OP ed on September 9th about being a liberal... How many of you have ever benefited from civil rights? women's rights? social security or unemployment insurance? medicare or medicaid? Are any/all of these things fundamentally wrong?


I'm not afraid of losing my gun rights or my hunting rights, there are too many democrats who back guns (and basically all republicans), and hunting is a STATE governed issue so it shouldn't matter that Palin hunts, what should matter is the difference of a heartbeat from being the most powerful person on the planet. Bush was a hometown people's-person who America felt they could connect to, look at how he did.





+ 1.


To which I’d add foreign policy. Freedom isn’t something you can give people of any particular a country. It is something the people of that country have to take for themselves. That’s how we did it. You’re a brave man, SBD.



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Vote for Palin now and she will be at the top of the ticket next four years down the road. If BO wins he may be in for the next 8 and she will not have the chance to be on top. I say vote for her now and you will be able to vote for her again.



X2 I agree.


BTW I'm a new member on here and this is my first post, I have been lurking for awhile though. Hello to everybody and thanks for a good resource site for hunting and swapping ideas for the hunts.


I will post up some pics of my first Elk (Archery) and my first Coues Deer (Rifle) as soon as I figure out how to post them.

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SBD you may not be worried about loosing your gun rights, but you almost did! They're under attack every day! All it would have taken was one vote to go the other way and "your" gun rights would have been flushed down the toilet. How sure are you that your gun rights will be upheld after BO appoints another justice or two?


How many of you have ever benefited from civil rights? women's rights? social security or unemployment insurance? medicare or medicaid? Are any/all of these things fundamentally wrong?


I can honestly say that I've never benefited from any of these. In fact I can honestly say that I've lost jobs due to civil rights and womens rights. I'm paying a lot of money to Social Security that I'll never see any benefits from. I've never collected unemployment insurance, but I know millions are living off our welfare system costing honest tax payers and workers a lot of money, and I'm not old enough to collect medicare or medicaid but like SS this program will probably not be around when I'm old enough to start collecting.


Yes I think the above mentioned programs are fundamently wrong. The system is broke and BO aint going to fix it he's just going to add more fuel to the fire.




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Something nobody wants to think about is the what if's......don't you think that the bombing of the twin towers changed the course of this country just a little.


GW Bush woke up one morning, he was reading books down in Florida with a bunch of grade school kids, minding his own business when all of the sudden his world came to a screeching hault as did all of the rest of us...................lets face it people, you can say what you want about Bush, but nobody up there on the stand can say they know what that is like...............did he get everything perfect.....not hardly, we wanted him to go kick somebody's ace and then got mad at him for kicking the closest dog that was lying around which happened to be the playground for Bin LaDEN....I intentionally left OSAMA off that if you didn't notice...............


I don't like alot of things that Bush has done...but I ain't wearing his shoes..............What would OBAMA do in that situation.....what would McCain do in that situation...................tough questions ................

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