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cross bow

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Are cross bows allowed on the archery hunt? I beleive it is not. The reason I ask, is that I was helping a friend on his archey bull hunt this weekend, and came upon a g&f water catchment tank. Parked along the tank was a quad. I noticed two fellas next to their quad and decided to ask how their hunt has been going. On the quad is a cross bow. One large guy stepped between me and the quad trying to hide his cross bow. We had some small talk, but i never mentioned to him about the cross bow. There were no other bows on the quad. I left, and as soon as i did, they started up the bike, and hauled off. I got his plate# just in case. Are they allowed for the physically challenged? However none of these guys showed any symptoms of physical complainant, beside being overweight. Just wondering

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As far as I know they can if they are physically challenged. You can't always tell they are. I ran into a guy this year on my deer hunt but he had his permit on the dash of his truck. Not sure if it has to be displayed in the open or not. Talking to him I would have had no idea but he showed me the permit when I saw the crossbow.

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A friend of mine wanted to check into the challenged hunter exceptions and he told me he thought a docter's note and some red tape and he could use a crossbow on an archery hunt. Not sure if he ever pursued it though. A shoulder injury made it very uncomfortable to draw his bow, but he didn't care for rifle hunting that much.

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Yes, a crossbow is allowed on an archery hunt as long as you have a crossbow permit. I actually had one last year and took a deer, turkey, elk, and a javelina this Jan with it. I had rotator cup surgery and wasn't able to pull my bow and G&F issued me a permit after my doctor fill out the nessessary paper work of being disable 90% in one arm. You would have not known I was disabled by looking at me so it's possible the guy you saw was legal to do so as well. Hope this is some help towards your question on crossbows.



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On page 94 of the hunting regulations it shows that you can use crossbow during the general deer and muzzleloader seasons not archery. Theres probably some exceptions too but I don't know them. Just sharing what little I know.

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