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Interesting little comparison we did!!

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A group of us got together and compared our 15 power binoculars on tripods looking at papago park and south mountain from decent distances the other day. The binos were Swarovski 15X56, Minox ED BR 15X58, Vortez Viper 15X50, and Fujinon 15X60's. The results we ALL agreed on were....


-- :rolleyes: To no suprise the Swarovski were the best overall.

-- :o To ALL of OUR our suprise however was the Vortex was agreed uopn by all to be the second best Bino. in the group!!! Just a shade behind the Swaros. and ahead of both the Minox and the Fujinons. The light gathering was awsome in the evening, and the color was brilliant all the way out to the edges. What seperated them from the Minox and Fujinons was not so much the difference in clarity, but of all the detail we were able to see in the shadows cast by trees and bushes. This put them ahead of the Minox and Fujinon's as agreed upon by everyone


Not a scientific study, just regular ethical hunters looking at some mountains. In fact three of us now have gone and bought the Vortex. One of whom owns the Minox.


Take it for what you will.

Be safe this season ;)

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Vortex really did redefine the world of mid-range optics. Up until recently I was reluctant to recommend any binocs to people who were looking for a good pair of binos at a reasonable price. That's all changing now. I have swaro 10s and 15s and I'm buying a pair of Vortex for my sons to use and to take to football games, etc.

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Well put sir!! I'm sure ill get blasted by a few on this board, but until you have compared binos side by side like we did I hope those who do critisize have put forth the effort just like we have; and dont just argue for the sake of argueing. But I always like to hear different opions, ideas, and info that can help the rest of us suceed in hunting and buying gear.... especially when your talking about spending hundreds and sometimes even thousands of dollars!!


Good luck to all this season!!! :rolleyes:

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Very interesting comparison. I've only looked at the Swarovski's and Vortex, so I don't know about the other two but the Vipers were impressive and cost nearly a 1/4 of the Swarovski's.



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I have thought about getting a vortex spotting scope for my son so he can learn to use one, have not pulled the trigger because like snap shot I have not heard an opinion on one. Maybe I will try one now. thanks for posting your results!! ag

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I bought a pair of Viper from Jim White and have been pleasantly suprised with the quality. For the price they cant be beat.

Another benefit in my mind is there size, about that of a pair of 10x binocs. I am now considering a Vortex spotter.

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No you guys are barking up the wrong tree. Coues are only visible with Swarvos. Sure you could see the shadows, but deer will be invisible. Swarvos can cure cancer also.


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No you guys are barking up the wrong tree. Coues are only visible with Swarvos. Sure you could see the shadows, but deer will be invisible. Swarvos can cure cancer also.


That is pretty funny Bob!

I recently got a pair of 15x Vipers and put them to the test last evening. They were great. Not Swaro's, but not 2K either. They have great glass.

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Whats the cheapest price i could get those 15x's for? and where?

I got mine from a dealer on Archerytalk.com. He has a website that is jayhawkoptics.com. His handle is Jayhawk. They were $599 shipped, no tax.

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599$$ at outdoorsman, bear mountain archery, just to name a couple. Also look online you can avoid tax and get them for an even 600$$, dont wait too long, I spoke to some Bino dealers and they said the prices are going to go up considerbly in the near future .


:o Another interesting fact about Vortex-- a lead engineer from Swarovski jumped ship three years ago to work for Vortex (I'm sure the money did the talking). Anyways he took many of the concepts, ideas, and technology along with him and assisted in making the Razor, as well as the Viper line of optics. There are patents that Swarovski owns that he couldn't touch obviously, however both lines of Binos look suprisingly similar to the Swaro's. ;)



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