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This is my new Remington model 700 7 mag with a yukon 4x12 scope . I had a smith tune the trigger down from 8+ pounds to just over 4 pounds.post-704-1221450057_thumb.jpg

I wanted to try the hornady heavy mag but I finally settled for hornady custom 139 grain interlock .

These are the first 5 shots .


Adjusted the scope 10 clicks up and 10 clicks right and shot five more


Next I adjusted 1 click up and 1 click right then I shot the squares by starting out shooting at the center and then using the dial controls to move the bullet to the corrner square 7 clicks down and 11 left , then 22 clicks up , then 14 clicks right , 22 clicks down and last 7 up and 11 left .


I had 4 bullets left so I loaded the magazine and 1 in chamber and shot this last group pretty fast .post-704-1221452758_thumb.jpg

All shots were from prone position off the bipods .Overall I was happy with my results , I expect they will get better as the new barrel breaks in . I may try a few different brands and weights just to see what happens

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how do you like that scope? ag



For the price of that scope I like it pretty well . Even though It wasnt perfect when I shot the squares, I was still impressed because ,I wasnt on sand bags and I didnt take much time between shots and it came back to zero as evidenced by my last 4 round group . I,m not sure if any comparably priced scopes would do that. Range was 110 yards , the first 5 shots were with scope on 8x all the rest were 12x .


A couple of things I didnt particularly like were 1 that there was no room to slide the scope back or forth to adjust eye relief but it seems to be in the right spot ,so I guess thats o.k in this case .2 I had to use taller rings than neccessary to clear obj. bell because the power adj. ring woudnt clear.


On the positive side the scope is clear, the dials are finger wheels with positve clicks , it came with rings and flip up scope covers and has rear focus that works well .

I am going to put the rifle on sand bags and test it some more .

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That is an awesome rifle. Nice.



Thank You , Coues Archer .

I got to shoot her again the other day . I scrubbed the barrel and took her to the range to try a couple differrent flavors of ammo . I shot two five shot groups . The first group was with "monarch" 150 grain boattail hollowpoint .These were about the least expensive bullets I could find . I fired no fouling shots before shooting at the target . Range was 110 yds , prone position on sand bags . Here is result .



This next group was shot with 140 grain Winchester Supreme boattail silvertip . I pulled the third round wide left , the high vertical shot was 1st round but it felt pretty good , I couldnt tell I twitched on it. Over all I'm still pretty happy , I wouldnt worry too much if I had to hunt with any of the 3 brands of ammo I've tried so far . I'm leaning toward the Hornadys and I would still like to try those Hornady heavy mag sst.


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Where did you get that PETA sticker? :lol: I think I want one to throw on the back of my jeep right there under the DU, turkey track, fair chase, coueswhitetail and texas bowhunter stickers ! Hey, really, aren't we all about ethical treatment of animals?


Nice gun. Where did you buy it and how many shells if I can ask? ANd did it come scoped out with the 4x or did you add that on -- and if so -- what kind of mounts?

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Where did you get that PETA sticker? :lol: I think I want one to throw on the back of my jeep right there under the DU, turkey track, fair chase, coueswhitetail and texas bowhunter stickers ! Hey, really, aren't we all about ethical treatment of animals?


Nice gun. Where did you buy it and how many shells if I can ask? ANd did it come scoped out with the 4x or did you add that on -- and if so -- what kind of mounts?


If you like that one , then you would probaly like my bho target . I'd show it but I dont want the ss coming to my house.

I was pleased with the size of the group of last three rounds , the first two of the five were really fouling shots but I was dissapointed I didnt put more holes in the rabbit and no Im not about putting animals above or equal to people .


I bought the gun at a walmart . You can get one just like it from cabelas for 399.99 . It did not come with the scope . I used weaver bases and the scope came with rings and flip up covers . The scope is 4x12 yukon , yukon is best known for thier nightvision . This is my first time to try yukon .


Hopefully this weekend I'll get to shoot again .

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