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What a day! (Updated)

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Woke up at 3 am this morning to make it to a members house to do some calling.


First stand was uneventful. Second stand, Bill had a doe that he dang near had to stand up and box!


Snapped these pictures between the 2nd and 3rd stand.


How many mearns in this picture?





Third stand was there the fun started! About two minutes into the calling, I hear something coming behind me (GREAT!) I turn around and see something running about 30 yards from me. I still dont know what it was, but have an idea. About a minute later, I hear some "roaring", growling coming from up the canyon. It sounds real close to Bill, but I dont hear his 12 guage ring out!(ends up it was atleast one was a lion, Bill had one at petting zoo distance, and we think the figure that was behind me was a lion as well!) About 1 minute after the roaring, I hear some barking really close. After scanning, I see a nice little grey fox barking on a rock from about 30 yards. The first shot from "El Chupacabra" was true, and put the fox on the ground! (My first)




Heres a "as she lay" picture



On down the road we went to the next stand. About 3-4 minutes in, I see a coyote working its way through the brush a mere 20 yards away. I get on where I think it is going to come out and sure enough it does. I must not have held low enough as the TSX sailed right over its back. On a automatic reacton, I cycled the action, and put the second shot into the running coyote. 2 for 2 for the .257 wby!





Here they both are!






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Awesome! When I was out yesterday I was blown away with how many coyote tracks I saw. I would have to say that I saw at least several houndred, in about a 3 mile walk! It was a flat area so might be a good plce to pop a few with a shotgun. Should be a good year, lots of young dogs running around.

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I have to say it was a different day to say the least, It was the first time that I have had a deer not only spit at me but also kick rocks at me! Then have a lion POP up at about 10 feet in the tall grass and say hello like it did then take off. I also have to say he does shoot that El Chupacabra well but it is a little hard on fur. But then again it look like we were a few weeks early to kick off the fur season.

But it was a blast and I am sure a few weeks from now will be ever more fun!

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That is awesome, good job Casey. Do you guys have the rabies problem over there that we are having in NM? I keep medical gloves in my pack now for skinning any predators I shoot just in case. AG

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Doug, that fox would look great on the wall next to the kitty kitty, but like Bill said, the .257 was a little tough. In all fairness the caliber, I didnt hit either one of them "perfect". The fox was facing me straigh on at about 30 yards. Those things are so small that I missed hitting dead center of the ches by about 1/2" and tore a 4 inch gash in the side of the hide.


The coyote was on a dead run away from me after missing probably the easiest shot in the world!


Now, it is time to redeem the 22-250!

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That caliber might be a little hard on the fur, but you gotta love what it will do to shoulder blades of deer or elk.

Nice shootin Casey!



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I was shooting the TSX, hoping it would zip in, and zip out. If I would have hit the spot I needed to, it might have worked well but the shoulder on the fox pretty much ruined that one!


Also, both shots were at EASY archery ranges so Im sure that had something to do with it!

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That is awesome, good job Casey. Do you guys have the rabies problem over there that we are having in NM? I keep medical gloves in my pack now for skinning any predators I shoot just in case. AG


I'll pop up with the rabies question, yes we do thats why I let him skin out the tails and will watch him in about 2 weeks to see if he still likes water,




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Doug, that fox would look great on the wall next to the kitty kitty, but like Bill said, the .257 was a little tough. In all fairness the caliber, I didnt hit either one of them "perfect". The fox was facing me straigh on at about 30 yards. Those things are so small that I missed hitting dead center of the ches by about 1/2" and tore a 4 inch gash in the side of the hide.


The coyote was on a dead run away from me after missing probably the easiest shot in the world!


Now, it is time to redeem the 22-250!


You better redeem the 22/250 or shotgun or I'll limit you to a big stick or a net LOL


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heck, I might actually be able to have some success with the stick if things happen like they did!


I will be bringing the 12 guage and 22-250 from now on!

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I got the snake. Stretched his skin out really nice!


It is a bummer bout the lion, but theres always next time! I think both of them were small, younger lions.. I already have one of that kind of lion, need a good size one!

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