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Unit 27/28 Hunt

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Well, unfortunately while Patrick was moving into position the wind, that had been blowing into our faces, shifted to the south and that big boy winded us. The last we saw of him he was stilling running 2 ridges over. I'm heading back out Monday. I'm in Las Cruces, NM right now and should be back home on Sunday.



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sweet..........I like the pics.How'd ya get the close up's? Or what where you using to take the pics? Yeah that palmation is deffinetly a plus,but why was he squatting in the one pic? Guess he pee's like a doe hahahahaha! oh! man dont tell me thats a queer buck :ph34r:

Just messin with ya dude. Seriously tho,those are great pics.Daniel

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Dan from Alaska did you get your 23 tag filled?



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He probably is a queer buck since as soon as he smelled us he left his does for the hills. :ph34r:

All those closeups were taken through my 30x80 Docters using a Leica digilux 1 digital camera.


Today was a tough, one we saw a total of 8 does and no bucks. The deer just didn't seem to be moving much. Tomorrow we're heading out after another big buck.


Here's a photo I took this evening.






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30X80? Sheesh that's a biggun. How much does that pair of binocs weigh? What minimum distance is this binocular considered worthless....such as 100 yards? THe most powerful binoc i've ever peered through was a 20X60 and cannot imagine what the 30X80 would be like!


By the way how is your brother doing this season? Is he guiding deer this year or is age getting to him?


Good luck on this hunt, my dad has 1 day left in his 35A hunt so we're kinda on a pressured hunt tomorrow :ph34r:

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Elkhunter, for starters the 30's tip the scales at a miniscule 12 lbs. I regularly use the 30's to watch my targets at the range at 100 yards. For hunting I prefer to look out past 500 yards. The farthest I've spotted a buck on this hunt was 2 miles out. I spotted a couple of whitetail out at 3 1/2 miles but couldn't tell if they had horns.

Duwane is my cousin and I haven't talked to him lately but I'm sure he's out chasing big Coues bucks.


Now to get down to business. Can you believe it? We were actually out hunting in this mess today! When the alarm went off at 4:30 I checked outside and it wasn?t raining so we decided to give it a try. However right about the time we arrived, it started misting rain. Oh well, the hunt must continue.

I setup to glass one area while Craig (300 wsm) decided to move down the ridge a ways to glass another. I hadn?t been glassing long when Craig called on the radio and said he had located a buck. The boys and I quickly made our way to Craig and soon realized he had a very nice buck spotted across the canyon. The buck had a doe he was staying with, and even through the fog and drizzle we knew this buck was a shooter!

I watched him through the 30?s while Craig kicked out the legs on his bipod and commenced to put the smack down on him. We ranged the buck at 377 and the 300 short mag did its job well. What a beautiful buck he was. He grossed 92.













Big Buck Boning Party!




Tomorrow we head out continue our hunt with Ralph and Patrick. Will keep everyone posted.



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Wow Scott, what a quality post. Thanks!!! I almost feel like I was there! Thanks for taking me to Arizona this fall.


Congrats, .300 WSM on a really neat buck and a great experience. A little wet doesn't feel like much now, did it? Enjoy that one forever, partner.


What a great day you guys had. Remember it and enjoy it forever. That's what this is all about.


Scott, I really need to talk to you about those BIG glasses, one of these days.

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Dammit boys, just can't resist this extra post here tonite. Your pics are just excellent, taking me into your country and success from my living room (Colorado). Sure wish I was there. You don't kow much I wish I was there.


Your pics are the best I've seen this year.


Take care and good luck on future hunts, all of you.

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Great job guy's. very nice Buck.

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thats awsome just plain awsome,did you see very many deer today ?or just those ones ,just curios about the rain and coues activity,thanks for that great story

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12 poounds! That's a hefty thing to carry in your pack! That's a dandy buck right there! Congrats on the success. Boy Scott, you look diffrent without your beard! I'm used to seeing that picture of you in the Coues Whitetail book with the beard! This one picture almost threw me off. Good luck on the rest of the hunt.

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