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92" Coues Buck

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Here is a pic of my uncle's buck that he killed in unit 23. The pic is only of the horns. I will send Amanda the field pics to post when I get them, if she would. The buck gross scores 92" gross.







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Congratulations, Pretty nice horns there! Hope the hunt was enjoyable as well.

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Here are the links to the field pics. He killed the buck at 100 yards. The buck was with another buck and both were chasing a doe. After he killed the buck the other buck chased the doe up the hill and actually bred her. Not too bad for a 68 year old man.







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Congrats to your uncle!


Hey, standman, if you want to show a photo that is posted somewhere on the internet, use the IMG button (stands for image). Click on the button when you get to the area where you want the photo to appear, then paste in the link. If you do that the photo should show up without people having to click on the link.



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Congrats to your uncle!


Hey, standman, if you want to show a photo that is posted somewhere on the internet, use the IMG button (stands for image).  Click on the button when you get to the area where you want the photo to appear, then paste in the link.  If you do that the photo should show up without people having to click on the link. 





Sweet buck dude!

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Very nice deer! I have to stop shooting all the "Bambi" deer out there (2x3/2x2 ect.) and start holding off for some bigger bucks.

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