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Unit 21 102" buck

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Thought I'd start a new topic for this one. My buddies unit 21 buck. It's his first and after shooting it and coming to my house to see some of mine I think the guy is seriously hooked. dang, looks like I've got to share my hunting spots now.





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SON-OF-A........... For some reason I can't make the pics appear in the post. Oh well, go to the link and see if that works.



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Looks like your friend had a good hunt! Congratualtions

By the way, we need the story....


Anyone having problems opening the second picture...


Open the first one, then when you want to see the next one, change only the last cahracter in the link from a 2 to a 1. Must be a bad character in the link.

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Good job Guys! Beautiful Buck! No wonder you make the big $. :lol:


Hey, changing the 2 to a 1 worked for me, thanks for the tip.


I'm going to concentrate my January archery efforts on the Coues, I always end up chasing the Mulies around, but now I have this "obsession" ? Is that the right word? Doesn't matter, I know you guys KNOW what I'm talking about. :D

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OBSESSION is how I feel too, nothing but coues and lion for me. :D

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use the IMG button and cut and paste the link into there.


Then the image will show without them having to click on a link.


And one of those links had too many http's in it, which is why it didn't work when you click on it.


Anyway, here are the photos. They are beautiful, nice composition Josh! And great buck!








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That aint no coues deer its a small mule deer. You got to love that cheater on the back side there. thanks for sharing.

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I think I was on that same deer about 3 weeks before season, he had a decent 3 point and a spike with him then. I hunted hard the first two days and never saw any of those 3. I was going to head up; this weekend after him but I may have to pack it in now. Shoot me a PM about the location, maybe save me a trip.

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