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I love a conservative right-wing person who has things sorted out.

It's "world-view" fellas. She knows who she is, because she knows who she is in Christ. She posseses a Christian world-view. This is a world-view that is black and white, where there is right and wrong, and the lines are clearly defined. None of that stupid political correctness, and apologizing for ones convictions. People tell me that McCain got Palin to get the women's vote. Yes, that's true, but it's bigger than that; he got Palin to secure the middle American, common sense, God fearing people, that this country mostly consists of vote. McCain's looking pretty smart right now.

Yep, I believe she is the real deal.

I was thinking we'd never see another person in the white house after Bush with balls. I hope I'm wrong. I hope we get to elect Palin to help McCain.

It's all about the world-view.

What's Obama's world-view? 180 degrees in the oposite direction (and calls himself a Christian?) and a danger to everything we hold dear in this great country. A wolf in sheep's clothing.


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It's been said (in the past and by some of the "experts" on PMS-NBC last night) that people vote for a president, not a vice president. However, Sarah Palin will probably be the first VP candidate in history to have a decisive, measurable effect on the election of a president. I was lukewarm about McCain until Friday, warmed up a bit on Friday, but after last night, I'll volunteer to work on his campaign (which I haven't done since 1980).

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It's been said (in the past and by some of the "experts" on PMS-NBC last night) that people vote for a president, not a vice president.


HAHA. The same media who made a big deal over Ferraro in 84. What a joke.


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Look at the MSM today. They are frothing at the mouth.


Keith Olberman looks like blood will squirt out of his eyes at any momemt.

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Olberman from MSLSD, now there's an objective urinealist I mean "journalist" Wouldn't surprise me at all if blood does squirt out that guys eyes, yellow blood which probably accounts for his yellow journalistic traits. I can't believe MSLSD scratches that guy a paycheck.

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