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Obama bashes Bible

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Christian principles may not be a main focus for a lot of us when it comes to our president, but this country was in fact founded upon Judeo/Christian principles, and we just happen to have the greatest country in the world.

In this video, Obama tells us how important he thinks the Bible is to the running of this society. In a few sentences he shows us what he thinks of God's holy Word, discredits the fact that our country was founded on these principles, gives Americans no credit for understanding the Bible, and reveals what a dangerous man he really is...










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If you watch closely that video has been heavily edited.....each time after he quotes scripture...there is a cut and paste...I would be very interested to hear what was cut..might explain his point a little more clearly.......very effective video though.

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Good point. The whole thing may have been taken out of context, just as Obama is apparently taking the Bible out of context, yet it is hard to imagine any context justifying those remarks.

I think he is a scary individual.


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