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Gonna give bedding a shot, starting with an axis in a boyds stock then gonna do an a bolt. Wondering when you bed a stock do you secure the action screws at normal torque or slightly loose? How do you ensure the barrel and action are located properly in the stock so the stock barrel channel axis and action axis are collinear? 

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Call Eric at Axis Works in Tempe or go see him. He did a Manners stock for me and it came out well. Show up with a couple of pizzas or some donuts.


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9 minutes ago, PRDATR said:

Call Eric at Axis Works in Tempe or go see him. He did a Manners stock for me and it came out well. Show up with a couple of pizzas or some donuts.


Pretty sure the OP said he was going to give it a shot.

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This is what I do for WOOD stocks. I am sure there are many ways to bed but this is simple and has always worked for me. 

 Need to evaluate how the stock fits as is. You will need to open up the recoil lug recess, pretty simple to do. You most likely will need to remove material if the inlet is a tight fit. If the stock fits with good barrel gap to start life is good. If the stock does not have pillars you will leave an original point of contact at the front and rear of the action. If the stock has pillars only the pillars should contact the action.

I bed the entire length of the receiver. I would also bed a portion of the barrel, 1” to  half the chamber length at most. This is with or with out pillars. You can use your action screws just coat them with a release agent, turtle wax will work in a pinch but do minimum of two coats. You are going to coat the action and barrel anyway. You will need bedding or modeling clay to pack the action and anything that the bedding compound can get into. Some guys torque the screws some don’t. I don’t, they are just a guide to seat the action for me. If you use the screws to seat the action you just need to tighten enough to either touch the pillars or contact points. You don’t need or want a lot of pressure. If you don’t want to use the screws to seat the action you can use surgical tubing wrapped around the action. You can use some electrical tape on the barrel to keep it centered.

There is more to it but this is getting long. Picture below of bedding before cleaning up. This is an HS Precision stock with aluminum bedding block. Getting the action off that block and fully supported did wonders.C8AD3D16-B9D0-4624-9C3D-53787E805301.thumb.jpeg.28b00987deb4136d92c1164fc7ff2509.jpeg

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If you use action screws just snug is good and lube the crap out of threads and whole bolt. I recommend using really long bolts or all thread. If bolts cut head off  seat in action all the way down with release agent over the whole bolt. Then when ready set action down in stock and then use nuts on long bolts or all thread and just snug to hold action in stock in right position .

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I just finished a bedding job yesterday. I used several coats of Hornady One Shot as a release agent and covered the action screws in red bearing grease and snugged them to 20 inch/pounds. It worked really well.

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