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scrape hunting

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I was up in unit 8 hunting this past weekend and ran across some scrapes. There are 5 scrapes over a length of 800 yards or so down one ridge line. I just kept following the trail and every so often I would find another scrape. I also found quite a few deer rubs too(about 15 or so).


Has anybody had any success hunting scrapes in AZ?


I've hunted scrapes a ton back in Michigan with some decent success. I'm sure that AZ is different and I'm hoping someone has some ideas or stories to tell.


The plan is to sit the scrapes and hope that guy comes back in to clean them out. The scrapes were all real fresh too. The bummer part is I only saw 4 deer in 4 days. I worked my butt off too. Right now the scrapes seem like the best bet to me.


Any info would be great!!!





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I too am intrested on everyones thoughts on this. I too have found a scrape with a nice overhang, a perfect 18 yard bow shot!





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First, keep this in mind: the late hunt in NM is in January not in December like you guys are hunting. That said, I have spent a lot of hours in stands watching sap ooze out of rubbed trees and frost form in old scrapes. Maybe because the rut is just starting in most areas you will catch a buck checking up on things but the longer it goes I think your chances deteriate exponentially. Needless to say during my hunt in January, if I'm hanging out in a tree, it is in a saddle or intersecting trails, not on a rub or scrape line. I hope you have better luck than I!


Happy Holidays!



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Scrape hunting is effective if done correctly. If you are going to scrape hunt the time to do it is now. Towards the latter end of dec and into January the scrape action has ended and the bucks are either tending or chasing does.

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We covered this topic pretty good last year.


you can always conduct a search for previous posts about a subject using the search function on this board. make sure you click the settings to search the whole board and not just one topic (like rifle hunting, biology, etc).


Here is a link to a thread with a lot of info on scrape hunting from last year:


Scrape hunting thread



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