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Miss me Bitches

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Delw, you will be missed ! You will never be forgotten here  and on many other forums. 

Sincere condolences to your family and loved ones.

R.I.P.  my freind


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1 hour ago, oz31p said:

Any one know what happened?

Wondering the same, life is to short. My buddy unexpectedly passed from a heart attack last March. Sucks!


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Sad.  What happened?  He seemed jovial lately.

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I don't know what happened to him but he had heart issues. I don't know why his passing upset me but it did. He has been insulting people on the www since I have been on the forums. That's been a long time. Here's part of one of his posts from another thread on covid



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On 4/6/2021 at 5:59 PM, creed said:

Going in the 22nd for an ablation. Hope it works. I have no desire to be on heart meds the rest of my life.

Meds aren't that bad. youll probaly get warrfin , digoxin and metropol or however there spelled. Licinapril gave me weird side effects. but thats me.

I learned how to control my Afib, but still need to take the meds. that procedure is interesting I'm going to read up on it. My BIL had his heart stopped like 6 or 7 times and a fib always came back about a month later.

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3 hours ago, creed said:

I don't know what happened to him but he had heart issues. I don't know why his passing upset me but it did. He has been insulting people on the www since I have been on the forums. That's been a long time. Here's part of one of his posts from another thread on covid



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Meds aren't that bad. youll probaly get warrfin , digoxin and metropol or however there spelled. Licinapril gave me weird side effects. but thats me.

I learned how to control my Afib, but still need to take the meds. that procedure is interesting I'm going to read up on it. My BIL had his heart stopped like 6 or 7 times and a fib always came back about a month later.

"I don't know why his passing upset me but it did."     I think it is because he was younger than us and been around a long time on these outdoor forums.  I certainly commiserate, also.  The end is coming.  Inevitable.  Be ready at all times.  But to have him go so unexpectedly really brings it home.  Having my younger brother go a few years ago due to A-Fib (mis)-treatments brought it home for me.  Again, be ready.

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50 minutes ago, Big Tub said:

"I don't know why his passing upset me but it did."     I think it is because he was younger than us and been around a long time on these outdoor forums.  I certainly commiserate, also.  The end is coming.  Inevitable.  Be ready at all times.  But to have him go so unexpectedly really brings it home.  Having my younger brother go a few years ago due to A-Fib (mis)-treatments brought it home for me.  Again, be ready.

BT is (see attached pic).  😁 

What BT says has always been true for me, but I'm at the age now where things can happen that are completely unexpected as you are just going about life, but is related to one getting older.

Also, if there is one lesson from COVID-19, is that the most important things in life aren't things and that what is really important can be counted on one hand.  It does not mean those other items should not be part of life, but they are just fluff when you you get right down to it.





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