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Manhunter...I'm sure you would agree to the double standard between Mom's and Dad's......This is a NEWBORN INFANT that has special needs. All the women in my life all agree they would have a real tough time trying to be as busy a she is gong to be......it has got to hurt! She does not seem the type to depend on a nanny. I know her kids and spouse will help but he has a job also.....Not knocking her, just think it will be a challenge...Obama's Kids are much older.....wouldn't even be a concern of mine if she didn't have the little one. And she'll be a first time Grand ma in a couple of months.....a lot to have on your plate....I sincerly wish her the best and hope she can pull it off.

I'm sure being the gov of Alaska was a Mon-Fri 9-5 job.

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It sure won't even be close to what she will be going through the next three months......17 hour days, 7 days a week. Intense pressure!. She pulls this off it will be an amazing accomplishment.

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Yes, I agree that there is an entirely different expectation of moms and dads. In fact, there are a lot of double standards at play here. If you're a liberal woman, you can do it all: be a mom with multiple kids, hold down a full-time job, stand toe-to-toe with any man, etc. - as long as you tow the liberal feminist party line. Woe be to those, however, who do it on their own without association with their assigned "group," in this case, liberal feminists. Obama's been on the national stage for the better part of four years, has yet to sponsor a major piece of legislation - in either the Illinois state legislature or the U.S. Senate, yet we're bombarded with stories of Sarah Palin's lack of experience and we've found out more about her and her family in the last four days than we have about Obama in the last four years.


There was an earlier post speculating that Obama's daughters would probably have gotten an abortion and some criticism of that opionion. Remember, it was Obama himself who stated, "If either of my daughters made a mistake, I would not want them PUNISHED with a child." The words of "the savior" himself, not mine. We haven't heard a word in the media about the gentleman he refers to as "Frank" in his most recent memoir. Why hasn't the media told us that "Frank" is a fellow by the name of Frank Marshal Davis...? What about Obama's neighbor, Bill (William) Ayres, the guy who just "lives in the neighborhood"? The media hasn't told us that Obama kicked off his political career with the assistance of Bill Ayres - at Bill Ayres' house. As one of the modern hip-hoppers so eloquently stated, "You are who you hang with." Don't know who these guys (and others) are, look 'em up.


As for Sarah Palin, I haven't met her, but I like everything about her. She's a conservative first and a Republican... a distant second. Yes, I like the fact that she's a lifetime member of the NRA, she hunts, she's from Alaska, etc. But more than that, I like the fact that she has been succesful without depending on the endorsement liberal feminists, without the endorsement of the state or national party, and that she's a real person with the same kind of challenges that everyone of us face on a daily basis. Since I left Arizona, I've had the opportunity to work at the highest levels of the government and I've met some of the icons of the feminist left and some of the targets of their ire. I met with Condi Rice almost daily when she was the National Security Advisor and I like her on a personal level, but she is no conservative; scary intelligent, but I have a problem with her view of policy. I met with and briefed Nancy Pelosi several times when she was the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee IHPSCI) and she's a complete blathering idiot; I found myself wondering how a person could sit on the HPSCI as long as she did and not know anything.


By the way, Phoenix is much larger than Alaska, but only in terms of population. Alaska is 2/5 the size of the entire Continental U.S. and Phoenix doesn't supply 20 percent of the energy consumed by the entire U.S. Oh, Sarah Palin's popular support is about 80 percent. I think that's a little better than Janet Napolitano - and I knew her when she was the U.S. Attorney in Phoenix.


I could go on, but I'll yield the balance of my space to the gentleman from...

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McCain Palin down 4 points in the polls since last night.


Not that I believe in polls, especially by media types, just saying.


Is Palin the odds on favorite to be the GOP nominee in 2012?


Even if McCain wins, I don't see him as a two term Prez.

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Sorry, guys, didn't mean to be pedantic or to preach, but every presidential election year, the unbelievably biased news coverage gets me fired up. I'm politically active and a registered Republican, very conservative, but I'm by no means a partisan. I am a former Army intelligence officer (which is why I lived in Arizona from time to time) and ran a variety of intelligence-related programs for the US Department of Justice. I spent a lot of time outside the United States on every continent but Antarctica. Shortly after 9/11, I was detailed to the White House to help organize counterterrorism intelligence operations and helped establish the Department of Homeland Security in February 2003 (not something we did so well, by the way). The public perception of our "leaders," borne primarily of biased news reporting, is so unbelievably wrong that it sickens me. Some examples:


President Bush is, by no means, stupid. When he leads a cabinet meeting, he's in charge and no one ever doubts that fact. He has an amazing command of facts, but he's not obsessed with sounding intelligent; he's a very real kind of guy with a great sense of humor. The first time I met him was shortly after we'd written some talking points for a press conference on terrorism. The morning after the press conference, he came to Gen. Downing's office and said, "Hey guys, no more big words, OK?" He was kidding, of course, but he knows he's not particularly eloquent. This fact is not known to the public and it's intentional - are you aware that, everytime he goes to his ranch in Crawford, TX, at least once he makes dinner for his Secret Service detail, they sit for dinner, and he serves them? Of course not! His ranch in Texas is so green that it is almost entirely self-sustaining and uses almost no external energy of any kind. Compare it, for instance, to the home of Al Gore, "savior of the earth." And, although I like President Bush personally (no, we're not friends; he was my boss and I was one of hundreds of employees at the White House), I have serious problems with some of his policies, most notable among them, illegal immigration.


To illustrate the incredible bias of the national media, I mentioned in an earlier post that the media never discusses any of Obama's mentors - ones that he mentions himself in his own writings. Among them are Frank Marshall Davis and Saul Ailinsky, both avowed communists (yes, there really are communists around, despite the media's best attempts to make anyone who uses the term sound like a nut). I also mentioned William "Bill" Ayres. Ayres and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, are also avowed communists and both were members of the Weathermen Underground and the Students for a Democratic Society, radical 1960s student groups, and were involved in a number of bombings and attempted bombings of US Government facilities in the 1960s. Obama has said that Ayres is "just a guy who lives in the neighborhood." Ayres is now a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago; Obama kicked off his political career at Ayres' house. Look up some of Ayre's quotes on 9/11. His attitude about the United States is not all that different from Michelle Obama's and, I suspect, Barack Hussein Obama's as well. There is also Tony Rezko, a Syrian-born US citizen, who was involved in a number of "very interesting" real estate deals with Obama; Rezko was recently convicted in federal court on several counts of fraud and bribery, but, according to Obama, Rezko is "just an acquaintance."


I challenge you to look up some of this information. You'll find some seriously kooky things out there, but the sheer volume of information that's available on Obama and his mentors/associates is too significant to ignore. It's a shame that Zell Miller is not the Democratic nominee; it would make for a much more encouraging and far less frightening campaign.


I'll be hunting Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Illinois this year. I wish all of you the very best of luck this hunting season as you pursue the little deer for which I developed such appreciation and admiration. But I also implore you to educate yourselves on the choices at hand and vote...

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Thanks for these last couple posts, it is very enlightening to read factual information instead of "emotional" rhetoric that we often see.


But my emotions are in line with your educated views on these issue!

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Thanks for these last couple posts, it is very enlightening to read factual information instead of "emotional" rhetoric that we often see.


But my emotions are in line with your educated views on these issue!






Thank You Manhunter!!! I very much enjoyed reading your posts.... Please feel free to share with us at any time! ;) :)

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Manhunter, I enjoyed reading your post as well. I sure hope the American people wake up and educate themselves on the facts as you stated. The more I learn about Omaba the more it scares me to think that someone like that could be our President! For the first time in my Life I feel the need to talk to everyone I know and encourage everyone I can to get out and vote this time. We have to do everything we can to get McCain/Palin in Office!!!

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Lively thread for sure! But could you cast a vote for Barak Hussein Obama KNOWING his choice choice for Secretary of State will be Oprah Winfrey??? :angry:

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Lively thread for sure! But could you cast a vote for Barak Hussein Obama KNOWING his choice choice for Secretary of State will be Oprah Winfrey??? :angry:


Don't know about the BIG O being secretary of state but I can assure you if he is elected we will be hearing the five most feared words I can possibly imagine :

Supreme Court Justice Hillary Clinton or fill in the blank _____________ Charles Schumer ____________ Nancy Pelosi_____________Harry Reid

_______________Barbara Boxer -- the list never ends of libs that guy will be indebeted to but I would say Hillary would be at the top of his list and it wouldn't surprise at all me if she gets tapped or if they have some sort of under the table , wink, wink, agreement. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

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The Clintons can not suport BO if Hillary wants in the whitehouse in 2012. At his age he will be a two termer for sure and that would put her out of the top of the ticket again the next time around.

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