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I have a feeling that Sarah Palin is a lot tougher than they think, she is probably a lot smarter too. Good Luck to her and her Family with the crap that is going to be thrown at them.

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Obama probably would have both pregnancies terminated.


His kids are probably smart enough that they wouldn't have gotten pregnant....




This entire Palin thing is just amazing.... It is going to be interesting to see how it plays out.... What was McSame thinking????




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His kids are probably smart enough that they wouldn't have gotten pregnant....




This entire Palin thing is just amazing.... It is going to be interesting to see how it plays out.... What was McSame thinking????


What a joke dude.


By smart are talking birth control or abstenance. At the age of his children we do not know what choices they will make in life.

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Just because she got pregnant at 17 has no bearing on whether or not they are smarter than her, it might not be the best thing to do, but it isn't the end of the world for her and could be just what she wanted in life, his kids might be on the pill when they are twelve we will never know. We also know that her son is going into the Army, are his kids smart enough to not do that, maybe they will just live off daddy's rock star status for the rest of their lives while attending church and being raised in this God da**** country according to their minister, that will be defended by Sarah Palin's son and not to mention all the other son's and daughter's that are out there defending us every single day.



Obama probably would have both pregnancies terminated.


His kids are probably smart enough that they wouldn't have gotten pregnant....




This entire Palin thing is just amazing.... It is going to be interesting to see how it plays out.... What was McSame thinking????


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I am not sure what you are trying to say but...She is 17 years old... One year from being able to vote and take a bullet for her country.. Whatever her parents were telling her she wasn't listening... Remember her mothers governmental policies help create this entire situation....


Anyway... I could care less if she was knocked up... I was responding to DB and his stupid comment...


Palin has been the GOP VP Nominee for 4 days and I know about her is that she hunts and fishes(cool) but that she is caught up in some strange political ethics issue called Troopergate, She doesn't know what the VP should does, her husband got busted for DUI, she has no international experience, She was the Mayor of Wasilla(I have been there.. it is tiny) She is Gov of Alaska(Phoenix is three times the size of AK).


I almost feel bad for her Daughter, She TOTALLY GOT Thrown UNDER THE BUS...


I really feel bad for the McCain aides that are on TV... FOX Included, they just look goofy trying to defend Palin and McCain...


Look... I want to give her the benefit of the doubt because of all 4 people on the ticket she is the only one that hunts and fishes... That is very important for me but God Forbid something happens to McCain and she has to deal with international affairs... She doesn't have a track record... She may be great but we just don't know and is that a risk we want to take with our country...



I just think the GOP could have found someone better...



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What experience does Obama have dealing with any crises? At least she has been the Gov of a state, not just a one term senator that misses 1/2 the votes in Congress. Being raised as a child outside the country, does not qualify for international experience. He just went to the middle east a few weeks ago to add to his resume and help diffuse some of his lack of experience criticism. She has more experience than Obama and he is at the top of his ticket.


What does her husband have to do with anything? He isn't on the ballot? I wonder if this is the 1st time he has ever been "proud of the country" like Obama's wife?


Obama has said repeatedly that he would not want his kids "punished with a child", those are his exact words, and has voted for abortion on demand, no matter the circumstances and at any time during the pregnancy, including partial birth. So no, my comment was not stupid. In fact, it is right inline with everything that Obama has ever said or voted for.


Obama and his VP have been in many scandals, Wright, Rezko, plagiarisms, etc.

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Obama, Biden, and McCain have never ran anything when it comes down to it. As far as international affairs go what do we got with Obama, his willingness to be friends with murdering terrorists. Why is DB's comment stupid and yours isn't, his comment is probably closer to the truth than yours, and they don't have to be 18 to get an abortion or to take the pill. Everyone thats screaming change should really look to her, she is the only one that hasn't been a part of our government for the last few years, all the others were involved, well except for Obama, I mean he was elected and then promptly started running for president.

"Anyway... I could care less if she was knocked up... I was responding to DB and his stupid comment..."

and I was responding to you and your stupid comment.


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We have no idea what Obama would do with a pregnancy.. We don't.... DB was just taking a cheap shot.... I should have just considered the source and ignored it... Again, I could careless about Bristol... I really could...


There is no doubt that she has experience at the state level... That is awesome, but she doesn't have anything at the federal or international level... NOTHING....


Before you guys think I am alone on her inexperience, I just spent 20 min watching Bill O and HE spent the entire time mentioning her inexperience... and how McCain should surround himself with a team with Gulliani, Romney, etc....





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The foreign experience factor is an argument the libs will manipulate till the cows come home. It's a thin argument IMO. Palin has risen through the ranks in AK from a grass roots level starting with the lowly PTA to mayor to the Gov. of AK and commander in chief of its National Guard & Coast Guard, she has balanced AK's budget, met its patroll and managed her state with an over 80% -90% approval rating depending on who you talk to. She's made tough decisions on behalf of her state as it leader on a daily basis. On the other hand we have O'Bama who has sat in congress for 140 some odd days & he's been campaigning for most of his term. Prior to that he was a community organizer (whatever that is?) and an Illinois legislator where most of the time he voted present. (That means he can't make a decision or won't for fear it will hurt him politically) That's some great experience. Then we have Biden whos' sat in Congress for 36 years ( So much for that CHANGE mantra) and with his experience has been on the wrong side of nealy all foreign affairs issues to come down the line. Not the foreign experience I look for. He's sat on congressional committees, voted against Roberts and Alito, consistently promotes and votes to severely limit our second amendment rights and a whole slew of others. I think the biggest decision he makes every day is whether to order an olive or an onion in his fifth martini at the Washington Crony Club. I guess you know who I'm voting for.

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DB - And some Republicans think he is the Anti-Christ... GWB was also a Governor... Does that win me anything???


WM - Good post... But she still doesn't have any real experience... Even Bill O questioned her commander in chief experience... Remember the Pentagon still controls those troops unless it is a state emergency... Balanced Budget in AK, that has never been an issue because of the oil revenue... We used to get Dividend Checks every October... About Biden, As an outdoorsman I can't relate to him but I think he sees the bigger international experience... At least he is aware of the issues... Palin said that she has never really paid attention to Iraq or Iran(I wish I could find the quote)... Her lack of experience scares me....


I guess on this issue we can agree to disagree....



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If you value your 2nd Amendment rights, I believe you have no choice but vote for McCain /Palin. You won't like the CHANGE that comes from Obama appointees.

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If you value your 2nd Amendment rights, I believe you have no choice but vote for McCain /Palin. You won't like the CHANGE that comes from Obama appointees.


Agreed... But this is in Pailn's Wheelhouse... McCain is no winner on 2nd Amendment rights...



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