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Lively thread for sure! But could you cast a vote for Barak Hussein Obama KNOWING his choice choice for Secretary of State will be Oprah Winfrey??? :angry:


You're kidding right?


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Choosing Palin was a smart political move because she appeals to the middle aged women voter segment. But you have to ask the big question, if something happened to MCain during his presidency would you want Palin to take charge of our country? (Being a woman is not the factor)

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A person who is gov for 2 years certainly has more experience than someone who has been a senator for 2 years.


Well yes... BO has technically been a Senator for two years, but don't give him to much credit, he's actually only spent 143 days on the job. While neither BO or Palin are seasoned vetrans at their jobs, it would be difficult to say that BO has any more experience than Palin.


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BO rarely shows up for his day job either.


IMO, any congressman or Gov that decides to run for President should be required to give up the job they were elected to fill. You're getting paid to work for us, not further your career. That goes for McCain too.

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BO rarely shows up for his day job either.


IMO, any congressman or Gov that decides to run for President should be required to give up the job they were elected to fill. You're getting paid to work for us, not further your career. That goes for McCain too.


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Palin needs to step down. Have you seen her interviews? The GOP is obviously hiding her and keeping her out the spotlight. I like her and what she stands for, but she is not presidential material. If McCain were 50, it might be different, but he could fall over on inauguration day and then what?


There is wide spread rumor that Biden will be asked to step aside too. He is embarrassing Obama.



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Palin needs to step down. Have you seen her interviews? The GOP is obviously hiding her and keeping her out the spotlight. I like her and what she stands for, but she is not presidential material. If McCain were 50, it might be different, but he could fall over on inauguration day and then what?


There is wide spread rumor that Biden will be asked to step aside too. He is embarrassing Obama.


If Biden steps down I put money on Shrillary being asked to save the Dems porkbarrel errr Bacon from McCain and Palin.

It could be Al Quaida's predicted October Surprise.

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