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I think she will have her little one right next to her most of the time. She also has a very strong family and i bet they will have their hand in taking care of "Trig"--and that is the way family is supposed to work.


She has one more thing going for her that i didn't see mentioned here--she is a stanch Christian (Baptist i believe) which will bode well in the bible belt states.


It was a brilliant move on John's part and one that i think will get him and her into the Whitehouse.

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I had not really heard much about Palin but so far I like what I have heard since the announcement. The Dems only had canned responses that they would have used on about anyone. Conventional politics would expect Mccain to pick someone from a state they could help swing to republican but he went out and took a shot at the brass ring and is trying to get 20% more votes in every state Strengthening the base support and going after the women who would have voted ShRillary just because she was a woman.


One other comment, I've listened to a lot of mainstream media this week and noticed something that supports my belief that the media is liberal biased. Yes we have heard it but have you REALLY HEARD what you are hearing.


On ABC, NBC, CNN I noted in story after story on McCain, Obama, the press almost always referred to Dems as "senator" or Democratic nominee, or "Representative" or "President", or former President.... When in the same stories, the conservative side was brought up, they almost always referred to McCain, Bush, Cheney or Bush, Without the elected title. Seems to me this is a way to emphasize the perceived position and ability over another.


Food for thought....


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I do not know much about Sarah Palin but this is an email my dad sent me. This is just one persons view but she is a resident from Alaska and seems to like her.




WOW............what's your take on this? Do you like her as your Governor? Hugs, Judy






Judy, Sarah Palin is the US's answer to Margaret Thatcher! Anyone who thinks she cannot handle the job or deal briskly and efficiently with ANY issue, including foreign governments … well, they haven't met our Sarah <grin>.




As an Alaskan resident as well as a resident of Wasilla, AK, where Sarah Palin was at one time Mayor … I can speak with confidence. Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska is exactly what she portrayed during her introduction this morning and exactly what our US Government needs. She is ethical to a fault (if there is such a thing), a refreshing change to the status-quo and as smart and determined a PERSON (gender really isn't an issue here as far as I'm concerned) as anyone could ask for at the head of government.




Sarah is no naïve "small town mayor" – she just *started out* there. Btw, as Mayor of Wasilla, she brought this "small town" through a lot of GOOD changes and left it at the end of her term having grown to the 4th largest CITY in Alaska – a lot of growth and a stronger economic base than ever before.




She has EXECTUTIVE experience *running a government* (something NONE of the other candidates can actually boast, even John McCain <g>) as Governor of Alaska and got there by defeating the *incumbent* Republican Governor, who was definitely part of the "old school" and who WAS very much in the pocket of the big oil companies. We in Alaska wanted change – and we got it in the person of Sarah Palin!




Sarah Palin is everything she looks to be and more. Her approval rating as Governor of Alaska has been as high as 95% and is currently leveled out consistently in the upper 80 percentile throughout the state (and in both parties) - the HIGHEST approval rating of ANY sitting Governor.




Sarah has been turning around corruption in the Legislature of Alaska - turning things on their ear for that matter; cutting spending in spite of the increased income the state is currently receiving due to the high oil prices - she has insisted on putting a huge amount of the "windfall" into savings for the future rather than spending, spending, spending - and has insisted from the get-go on what she refers to as "honest, ethical and transparent governing" - no more closed door meetings and dealings - the big oil companies thought she would be a pushover and have learned better to their chagrin.




She understands the "real people" and the economic issues we all face (Alaskans along with the rest of the country) - she was one of "us" not long ago. Rather than passing useless "laws" or throwing money at pet projects, she (most recently) temporarily suspended the state gas tax (on gasoline at the pumps, fuel oil and natural gas for homes, etc.) and has ordered checks issued to ALL residents of Alaska this fall in an attempt to assist with the burden of high fuel costs for the upcoming winter. I could go on and on, but that's enough for now <smile>. She isn't doing these things to be popular – she is doing it because her constituents are HURTING financially and she can help.




She became Governor of Alaska by defeating the Incumbent Republican Governor and doing it *without* the money or the support of the Republican Party, which was amazing in itself - and she won by a landslide. The "powers that be" at that time totally underestimated Sarah and learned better the hard way. She has done exactly what she claimed she was going to do and is just as popular today as the day she was elected - perhaps more so since even the Democrats up here seem to like her - she works well with both sides in the Legislature here.




Sarah "belongs" to us (Alaskans) ... and although we are going to be terribly sorry to see her leave before she finishes the job she started here (two years ago) straightening out OUR State <grin> ... we understand she is needed for a bigger purpose and hopefully her Lt. Governor will be able to fill her shoes here and continue the job.




As for worrying about what would happen if McCain were to die or step down or whatever ... Theta, up here in AK we've only been wondering how long we would be able to KEEP Sarah in Alaska and have seen her as our first woman President of the USA from the start. It's always been a matter of whether she would wait until the end of her TWO terms as Governor (no doubt at ALL that she would be re-elected if she ran for a second term at the end of her current term) ... or end up in Washington sooner. She could do the job TODAY.




Personally, I feel a lot better about McCain now that I know he has someone as savvy, as strong, as ethical and as steady as Sarah at his back. She will be an excellent Vice President ... and my guess is will be our US Republican Presidential candidate in four years - AND by then the country will KNOW her – will love and respect her as we do here - and she'll win by as much of a landslide as she did here in Alaska. I only wonder if McCain has a clue what he is unleashing on the US of A <grin>. She is going to be a fresh wind, but also a strong wind.




Is that enough of an endorsement? If not, I'll add this ... Jerry and I have for many years felt the best "vote" was to vote for the lesser of two "evils" and hope they didn't do too much damage. Two years ago during our State Governor's race was the first time EVER that we actually asked for not just a little sign to put in our yard showing our support of our candidate (something we've never felt the desire to do at all before) - we asked for a full 4' x 8' "SARAH PALIN FOR GOVERNOR!" sign and were proud to have it. She hasn't let us or Alaska down. She will do the same for the USA if given the opportunity.




Feel free to pass this on to anyone who may be interested (and spam those who aren't!).








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I think I am really Liking this Lady for the VP.... I have my issues with some of Macain's politics and she has all those issues covered. We need a grass roots American in the Whitehouse.... Be a great change! We had better hope that the rest of America sees whot we see..... I know we can't and our country can't handle 4-8 years of Obamma!

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I think I am really Liking this Lady for the VP.... I have my issues with some of Macain's politics and she has all those issues covered. We need a grass roots American in the Whitehouse.... Be a great change! We had better hope that the rest of America sees whot we see..... I know we can't and our country can't handle 4-8 years of Obamma!



Best sentence in the thread!

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I agree with TLH on this full heartedly. This baby is not an anchor around the leg of this lady. It will be her strength when she needs it. When I get home from work and my youngest comes running to my leggs for a hug. I fill i could turn around and walk back out the door and do it all over again. It reminds me of the reason we do what we do each day.


Shoot I do not know how our Wives do what they do in life. My wife does four times as much as my lazy butt and she does it while taking care of our four children, running a preschool, working with the children groups in our church,helping out with making costumes for my daughters copetition dance group, man the list could go on for days i think. If you ask me we should have found a lady to do this years ago. I do not meen a lady with one child to care for like hillary (not bagging on families with single children or no children) A lady that can do all they do and still have food on the table for her getting fatter housband just leaves me speechless at times. She knows how to deal with more than most life long senator or anything else in poltics.


Shoot dealing with russia is notheing like a war btween five screaming children. (right).And you can bet she has delt with russia. They are derect neihbors after all. she has ran the millitary in her state all this time.


One thing about beeing in the whitehouse is it is there house as well. The vice pres resedance is just down the road from the whitehouse. I have heard that the white house is very family friendly for the reason that they can have there family around them when ever they want.


I say Very good move. I have family in Alaska and they say if the country can love this lady as much as Alaska does then we will see her around for many years to come. This could be just what our country is in need of. (good Change).


And the fact that she is proud to stand and say her son will be in Iraq before to long fighting and maybe giving all for this country. She by far over shadows Mcains down falls. She is not a push over either but more of a pusher. She went head on with the crooks in alaska nowing what could take place and she won. Biden will have his hands full when he wants to try and man handle this gal. It would have been easyer for him to push around the other choices that were in line for Vice Pres. Even though i was a Mitt Romney voter I fill she was a better choice for this country than he would have been for Vice Pres.


The fact that she is a hunter and NRA suport is just extra Frosting on the cake for me, But not the only reason to like her.

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Oh yes those are all very clear photos of her belly. You know with those coats and jackets on setteing at a desk that is blocking the veiw. who does not look thin when standing next to Janet of AZ. Oh and why don't we put our pregnant daughter in a very reviling shirt for our family photo. That way no one will see her belly right out front of the photo. Come on people. :lol: :lol: :lol: My wife does not get big when pregnant either, and when people see her now they do not believe she has even had more than one kid much less the four we have. now me on the other hand. I still look like I am past due on having all four.

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I.m not saying I believe it, but there are those that do and it's the sort of thing that can be a problem. Sort of Like Kerry and his purple hearts.


The same people that captured Bigfoot, most likely started this. :P

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I hope i did not make it sound like i thought you believe it I know how you fill about the choice by your above posts in the thread. Its just funny the photos are like trying to prove that a guy has his leggs when he said he does not have them, but your photos are all from the waist down. A baby is a hard lie to pull off dna is the truth. and i have not read but did she have the baby in a field or in a rice patty or something or was it deliverd by someone someplace. It just seems that true or not it would be an easy one to find the truth on. My oldest sister had a baby boy and you could not tell she was going to have a baby. And two month before the birth we went to califonia and went to the beach and evevn in a swim suit you could not realy tell she was prgnant. she did look like she put on a little weight but that was it. And a 6 pound baby is not that big at all.

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Do you guys really think that the McCain and Obama camps are really going to run friendly campaings??? Not in this country! Let the mud slinging begin!

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A friend of our family's daughter didn't even know she was pregnant till her water broke and she delivered a baby boy a short time later! She was a little on the heavy side but not a whole lot, she didn't have a clue.

There is alot of stuff out there on both political sides including a gentleman that claims O'Bummer wasn't even born in Hawaii, that his birth certificate is a forgery and that he may have actually been born in Kenya and therefore inelligible to run for the highest office. Interesting.



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There are several ways to look at this the first and what I think is the truth is that the democrats are desperately seeking to find a way to get the votes back they know they lost with McCain's choice of Palin and they know that one lie at the right time can help them. The problem I see with this is that it is the wrong lie, if what they are claiming were true "which I say is bull crap women all show differently",are they going to say that Palin faked a pregnancy to protect her teenage daughter and raise the baby as her own, dang that is horrible, if that were true it would make her a what, a liar yep most politicians are, but other than that it would make her a mother who found out her daughter was pregnant and protected her nothing else, there may have been other ways to cover it up, but she did the one thing you would hope all mothers do and that is protect her young children and that would endear her to even more women voters, some of the women would simply have had a daughter abort the baby and never say a word, they will not get votes from them, but they never would have any way. How is that for spin.

Truth be told this is just mudslinging from the left nothing more, and I guess Obama's kids are now fair game to the mudslinging.



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