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I think his pick of Palin is Brilliant and I'd have to disagree with Bowsniper although I won't say "clueless". I like Rice, but seriously for someone wanting to separate himself from Bush a pick of Rice would have shot himself in the foot and the Libs would be relentless on that point and they would be right. I can just picture the libs asking themselves - Why in the wide wide world of sports when you (Palin) found out you were going to have a down's syndrome child, why did you not kill it and abort it? Classic.

O'Bummer has alot of problems coming his way with his "association" with William Ayers the pentagon bomber, If what I'm hearing is true their relationship it's waayy more than just an aquaintance and will prove the guy is nothing more than a crooked politician and crooked community organizer and at the very least a huge liar.

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I HOPE that I am wrong, (PLEASE tell me I'm clueless!) but I think McCain screwed up. The dems will rip her for only being a two year gov and no experience, even though osama has not much more. McCain should have picked Condeleza Rice, that would have been a two for one! ANYTHING to keep osama out! We're doomed :ph34r:




I love Rice too--but the Socialist party, at their convention in Denver and in their ad campaign have been hammering home the Bush/McCain connection and naming Condi would have made that argument. She isn't interested anyway--would rather be the NFL commish. But she would make a great VP and Pres too!


I have a feeling that McCain is going to be a 1 termer and that sets up a Hillary-Sarah duel in 2012--goes from a dog fight to a cat fight. I know--he has to get elected 1st--no easy task.


McCain needs to check with other people's schedule before he does these things. Apparently her parents were going to go Caribou hunting this AM and it got interrupted by a call from the lower 48 to tune in the TV and learn that their daughter was being chosen as his veep. John has to get his priorities straight. 1st things 1st!!!!




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The Electorial College determines elections, so it seems to me McCain (and America) would have been better served by if he had chosen someone from a "swing" state. Two westerners from states expected to be on the Republican wagon doesn't seem like a good move on the part of his advisors.


In the end it probably doesn't matter. The media already have elected Hussein, and his followers have granted him god-like credentials. I expect we'll have to endure eight years with him.


I find it interesting that McCain is only about a month older than I am. His Social Security number is eight. Mine is ten. :P


Bill Quimby


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In the end it probably doesn't matter. The media already have elected Hussein, and his followers have granted him god-like credentials. I expect we'll have to endure eight years with him.


Bill Quimby

hes the anti- christ! :lol:

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Bill Bill Bill! You are last guy I would have suspected of such negativism. We will win this fight and McCain will be our Pres! The American people are wiser than you give them credit for. No one with half a brain believes the lib media BS.



BTW: Sarah Palin Rocks! Great choice in MHO.




Keep the faith Brother!





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She has more experience running a Gov't than Obama has.


He has been a Senator for ONE term and has missed 1/2 of the votes while out campaigning. In essence, he ran for Senate so that he could afford to run for President. He had no intentions of representing his constituents. It was a means to and end.

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In the end it probably doesn't matter. The media already have elected Hussein, and his followers have granted him god-like credentials. I expect we'll have to endure eight years with him.


I agree. The media is going to hammer on experience and being a "gun toting hick" from Alaska.

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In the end it probably doesn't matter. The media already have elected Hussein, and his followers have granted him god-like credentials. I expect we'll have to endure eight years with him.


I agree. The media is going to hammer on experience and being a "gun toting hick" from Alaska.


No better way to motivate us potbellied, beer swilling, gun totim' rednecks to vote. :D HAHA!!! That has backfired on them before.--A gal in the Rag this AM called her Apple Pie and America. BOB


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My main concern is her having just had a special needs baby in April....now she is gonna be on the campaign trail 60 days straight....doubt she will give it her full attention.

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I copied this out of a Newsweek Online!


I never get real excited about politics, that is until now! I am ecstatic about McCain's choice. He had my vote anyway but now I will do whatever I can to help spread the word on why we need to support this party!


The practice of deliberately exterminating animals to manipulate the populations of other species is not without controversy. "Palin is on a massive extermination program for wolves across large swaths of Alaska to artificially inflate caribou and moose populations to pacify trophy hunters," says John Toppenberg, the executive director of the Alaska Wildlife Alliance. "It's totally illogical, it's extreme, it's the draconian manipulation of bears of wolves in Alaska." But it is a practice that predates Palin's governorship and remains popular with a majority of Alaskans.


"Her approach to environmental issues generally reflects someone who has grown up and depended upon natural resources, and has the perspective that resources should be used and used responsibly," says Jonathan Adler, director of the Center for Business Law and Regulation at Case Western Reserve University School of Law. "You don't want to reduce the wolf population too much, or it will drop below a sustainable level. There is a certain amount of uncertainty in the field on how to do that. But the consensus is that the folks in Alaska tend to know what they're doing." And as one of their ilk, Palin may be giving Democrats some pause on the eve of the Republican convention. The hunter has them in her sights.


Maybe she would move to Arizona if she became VP. We could use her in our state government!






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Kind of makes us wish we had a woman governor here in AZ.


I was hoping he would pick her, I had read about her last year or the beginning of this year and liked her immediately. I also like the thought that if anything was to happen to McCain, this is a person I would want to run the country. Where on the other side I don't want B.O. running it, nor Biden, and God help us all if it somehow got to Pelosi.

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