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All i know is she is the Gov. of Alaska. Pro-gun, very conservative, hunts and fishes....looks good to me, any opinions on the choice good/bad?

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Having not yet jumped too deep in to who Sarah Palin is, everything on the surface sounds great, like you say, guns, fishing, NRA and a mom that is pro lifer.....I like the spunk of McCain on this one......plus Obama crowd won't be able to do any negative adds about words swapped in the primary like Bahama and Hillary did........we'll see where it all lands us...hold on tight.

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definitely a strong supporter after watching her speech. in addition to what people have said she has 5 kids, i believe the youngest has down sydrome, her husband is a commercial fisher, and she can give one heck of a speech! look out Obama!




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I had no opinion of the choice when I first heard it because I didnt have any info. But after reading about her and hearing what she had to say I believe she is a perfect choice! One thing that really impresses me is her love of family. I also read she has almost a 90% approval rating as governor of Alaska! That is impressive! I was already voting for McCain, but this is the icing on the cake!...... :D

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I personally think this is going to get alot of votes from hard core conservative folks who were thinking about not voting, or throwing it away on a non hopeful. He definately seems to have balanced out his leaning way toward center.


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The funniest thing I have heard so far is....


Her State is 23 years younger than McCain...


That is Funny I don't care who you are...



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Bill Kristol brought her name up at the end of June on an FNC show. I did a fair amount of research on her then and concluded that she would be an excellant choice, IMHO. Pro life, pro gun, pro drilling--small town values. She is welcome around my campfire anytime. I thought she had been lost in the shuffle. I am ecstatic with the choice myself.

I think she is a better shot than Cheney too!!

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I will probably vote for them just because the choices are so bad but..


Population of Phoenix = 1,500,000

Population of Alaska = 670,000


She has no international credentials...




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No international credentials but what appears to be closer to average American..........son in the military at 19 years of age, raising a family.....something I can relate too compared to the rest of the monkeys flopping around up there in DC.....double LL, she might have some common sense still left in her head because she hasn't spent all her life drinking the tainted forbidden Koolaide ;)

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She ran the good old boys out of the politics, cleaned up the ethics and got em fiscally on track. Being a governor is actually running something, more than can be said for a senator. Watch the dems blow up on her lack of experience, which is the truth, but do they have the room to do that with Obama having 4 years senate experience? No.

She's a winner. Values and guts, more than Mc Cain. Gotta give John credit - he's stirring it up with this move.

And for the superficial public that would vote for a woman simply because she'a a woman? bingo

And good looking too.

Way to be John!


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I HOPE that I am wrong, (PLEASE tell me I'm clueless!) but I think McCain screwed up. The dems will rip her for only being a two year gov and no experience, even though osama has not much more. McCain should have picked Condeleza Rice, that would have been a two for one! ANYTHING to keep osama out! We're doomed :ph34r:




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"And for the superficial public that would vote for a woman simply because she'a a woman? bingo"

Very well put Rembrant





Exactly! I heard an independant voter saying that she was voting for Osama because his father was an immigrant and she was one also?!?! WT? Perhaps she will vote for McCain now cuz his VP is a woman!


Are there not bigger/better reasons?

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The dems will have to be carful on the “experience” issue. Palin has been to Iraq, negotiated international fishing treaty with Russia. Obama has spent half of his first senate term running for president with no international experience . I think she has more leadership experience than Obama – Plus she loves this country and what we stand for. Obama?????



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