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Jimmer Negamanee

Dos Doubler Question

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My mom always told me " ’Tis better to be silent and let them think you a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


Unfortunately, I have a question for which I have received two plausible explanations but both cannot be correct. So at the risk of removing all doubt, here it goes:


If you attach a doubler to each eye piece of a pair of Binoculars have you made binoculars with twice the power?


One person I spoke to looked at me like I was an idiot and said “Of course! Add a doubler to each eye piece on a pair of 15s and through the magic of multiplication you end up with a pair of 30s.”


So far so good.


Then another person I discussed this with looked at me like I was an idiot and said. “Of course not. The “collimation” would be way off and you would end up with a nasty headache from looking through those and you might even vomit all over your tripod.”


I did a search on here but didn’t find a thread addressing this issue.


Has anyone tried this or does anyone have any thoughts of the subject?


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I wouldn't do it because the quality of the image is not nearly as good in a doubler as it is if you bought a pair of 30's. The light is cut way down and it's not as crisp an image. So I would think it just isn't worth it. Personally, I didn't like the quality of the image in the swaro doubler as a single unit much less doubling up on it.






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I had a young guy at the optics counter at Cabelas tell me he was doing exactly that and it worked great. I am skeptical myself. I have one doubler and really only use it on my 10x42 EL as a spotter occasionally. It is marginal using it that way IMO.




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I bought a Swarovski doubler right when they first came out. I was very disappointed in the clarity and sold it on Ebay after just one outing with it. Save your money and buy a spotting scope.

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hopefully I can help. I bought two doublers around 7 years ago to try this exact thing, and it did not work. once I put the doublers on, the bino's would not close down far enough to allow both eyes to look through them evenly at the same time. In addition to this, the doubler even by itself does not project the same crisp bright image the plain bino's do. For me it did not work....................Allen................

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