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2005 Draft regulations

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Looks good!! I think with fewer hunters in the field, and antler point restrictions in place it can only be good for the game of New mexico. I also like the fact that they seperated the coues and muley hunts.

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I do wish they had separated the Whitetail and Muley hunts instead of having them at the same time. I like a little solitude on my hunts.



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That is a good idea... did you notice the unit where your son killed the coues deer? It does not have any Coues vs. Muley preference?? Too bad.. that unit might be hard to draw... What a bummer...


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It would have been nice if they would have left archery deer OTC instead of making a draw out of it. AZ has the best system, if you don't get drawn you can always get out the bow and go. AG

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Can one of you AZ boys or girls :D , tell me how that works exactly. I mean Az OTC bow in Jan. can I still put in the rifle draw and if I don't draw I can still hunt in Dec bow? How does that work? ;)

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You can hunt with both rifle and bow, but you can only kill one deer per year. If you kill in Jan. you can't kill again till the following year.

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So I go buy an OTC general hunt license and a deer tag. I don't get a buck, so I can apply for a rifle hunt. Let say I draw a rifle hunt in the kiabab. (remember it's make believe ;) ) So now I have two deer tags and two deer licenses. Do I have to pay again if I draw a rifle hunt? Or can I use the same license and pay for another tag? How does that work?

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You just have to buy the tag, not another license. So then you hold out for a monster on the Kaibab and don't kill, you can hunt in December with your original bow tag. I've never done that but it sounds like next year AZ will require you to purchase a license prior to applying so it makes sense to buy the tag in January for the bow hunt.




My only concern with otc bow hunts is the number of people who decide last minute to a) hunt with a bow they haven't shot in months, or ;) buy new equipment at the last minute. Bowhunters don't need that black eye. Maybe it isn't the problem I percieve it to be. How did your unit 29 hunt go by the way?



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Thanks Kevin....I think i'm going to have to start doing that. The unit I bowhunt in NM is only giving out 25 tags for both muleys and coues, no seperate hunt. That bites. ;)


Oh well i'm in favor of a draw system. I'm just going to have to draw the burro mountains next year. :D

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Unit 29 could have been better. The guy I packed into pridham canyon with had to leave the morning after we got there as his great grandma was dying(priorities man priorities) so after a 3 1/2 hour drive back to NM and picking up my new hunting partner(my 8 year old boy) I headed back. Thursday before I had to leave saw 8 does so was optimistic about Friday morning with my boy, so imagine my excitement when while sitting over a tank and glassing I heard something walking down the flat above us heading toward the tank! It was getting intense as it got closer and closer and then it BLEW ITS NOSE! Some dingle berry thought he would walk down and check the tank for us and see if the deer were using it. So Friday I saw 10 hunters( 2 were in white t shirts and tan shooting vests!) and no deer. But my boy and I had a great time so it was worth it. Next year I am packing into john long if I can afford a tag and get drawn and my boy will be with me again. The other thing I learned was that the alaskan outfitter packs from Cabelas can carry a he** of alot more than my fat out of shape body can.

I still have bowhunt in NM for coues in Jan so am looking forward to that.

Take care


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AG, I had a good hunt but came home without a deer. I passed up several long shots at small bucks and a couple of close shots at spikes. I saw a terrific buck (over 100") but couldn't get close enough to shoot. He was a beauty! Maybe next year!


I too will be hunting in NM in January, but I think next year (unless I draw the January Burros hunt) I will go to AZ. I hunted in 16 A in September for elk and because I saw a huge muley in there 10 years ago ;) , decided to buy the deer tag. I am regretting that now. I haven't had much time to scout but hope next week I can sneak out for a day or two to look around. I may have to settle for a muley hunt with so little time and not knowing where to start looking for coues. I know 16 has a few, its just a matter of where! I typically hunted 23 or 22 in January until we had to hunt in January where we hunted in September. Oh well, it will be good to get out. Good luck on your bowhunts guys!


Merry Christmas



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