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Relentless Scammers

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I once had a guy claiming to be in Corpus Christi with a gun I was looking for.  I think it was a Cooper.  I was on to him from the beginning because I did a google photo search and foundn where he lifted the photos.

Let him run with it for awhile then asked if I could send a buddy by to inspect the gun, I grew up in TX have lots of friends there you'll love him he's a cool guy.  Scammer got a bit more tenative.

Ran on a bit longer with more blather about how much I love Coopers and he was telling me how great the gun was blah blah.  Then I said hey my buddy gets off shift at such and such a time can come by and check it out he's a really cool officer loves guns just like you and me -  you won't have any trouble recognizing his patrol car.

Radio silence.

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i spent my covid lockdown time  going through fb marketplace reporting scams (was alos looking for a vehicle for the stepson).

Super easy to spot. its one picture, "show room" miles, and tenth of the cost

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