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Holy carp batman

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to bad he is only a 2X2 - got us distracted from our antelope hunt for awhile. busted at 75 yards without a shot.



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does anyone know what the avg ear length of a desert mule deer is? I was wondering how wide this buck might be. let me know and thanks. chris.

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does anyone know what the avg ear length of a desert mule deer is? I was wondering how wide this buck might be. let me know and thanks. chris.


With the limited amount of mule deer hunts I have been on the average so far for tip of ear to tip of ear has been around 22 inches. Hope this helps.

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so this buck's right ear appears to be pulled back a little but not the left one. he appears to be at least 5" (maybe more) outside his left ear. that would put this buck at 32" wide. is this correct?

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Both ears appear to be pulled back IMO. It appears his outside spread may reach 30", but i don't think his inside will. That's a tricky picture and a deceiving angle though.

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Both ears appear to be pulled back IMO. It appears his outside spread may reach 30", but i don't think his inside will. That's a tricky picture and a deceiving angle though.


That is the exact thing I was thinking. Still I would never pass up a unique buck like that

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Thats my dad's buck ha ha... He is king of huge 2x2's


Its almost like he goes after them on purpose!

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Still I would never pass up a unique buck like that


Agreed! Don't get me wrong, if I see that buck with any weapon in my hands, I'm going after him. I love big 2 points. Check this guy out...


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