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Field judging methods

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Do you guys have any techniques for scoring deer in the field...especially in high pressure, quick decision situations? What works best for ya guys? I expect to get tons of replies considering all the "professionals" that cruise this forum looking to give out their secrets any chance that they get.




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I always try to remember the deer I've already taken and scored and judge the deer i find by what i know what a certain deer scores. say i find a buck that has a rack thats just inside his ears and not very tall. i will go back and say ok he looks like the deer i shot back in 95' and that one scored about 80" so I'd judge him to be close to the same. its a lot of guess work but if i jump a deer and I am in a pressure situation to get a shot off i look for 2 things. width and more importantly height. usually your best scoring bucks carry tall 2nd and 3rd points.

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C.J. McElroy, the guy who founded Safari Club International and took hundreds of trophy animals from obscure places all over the world, always said if you have to ask yourself if it's a trophy then you shouldn't shoot.


"You'll know it when you see it," he told me.


Problem is, my view of a trophy is different than his or most of you. After editing the SCI record books for sixteen years, such books do not interest me.


I no longer measure my trophies with a tape measure but by the experiences of the hunt. A little spike buck I shot years ago in Texas with a $50 muzzleloader ranks just as high in my personal book as any of my "real trophies" because it got me interested in hunting with and building muzzleloaders at a time few others were doing it.


Bill Quimby



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Well said Bill. I feel the same way. I hunt to enjoy my time in the mountains and get away from civilization and re-energize the soul. A trophy is nice if the opporunity presents itself, but the hunt is not lost without one. :)

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First off, straight out tine length is where the majority of the score comes from. If his rack reaches for the sky, hes a good buck, and probably a shooter! Of course, great mass and width add up also.


A good way it to look at his frame. If he is as wide/wider than his hears and tall, he has the "frame" of a big buck. And in a pinch, that is good enough for me.

If you have time to sit and look at the deer, look for some measurements that stick out... 4+ inch eyeguards, 6+ inch g2's 4+ inch G3's. If his beams reach out and touch his nose = big buck!


Like others have said, if he gets your heart goin, hes the right one!


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If YOU like him, shoot. If YOU don't, then pass.

Can't get much simpler than that.

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If YOU like him, shoot. If YOU don't, then pass.

Can't get much simpler than that.


That's pretty much the method I use.....


I certainly have spent time estimating tine length and main beams and such, but really when it came down to it, it was just a matter of if I wanted the buck or not. If I have to spend a bunch of time deciding if his 3rds are 6 inches or 7.5 inches, etc....then it's probably not a buck I want. Usually, I know right away if it's a buck I will shoot.



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C.J. McElroy, the guy who founded Safari Club International and took hundreds of trophy animals from obscure places all over the world, always said if you have to ask yourself if it's a trophy then you shouldn't shoot.


"You'll know it when you see it," he told me.



Bill Quimby



I havent hunted coues long enough to know how this applies to them but in my experiences hunting mule deer I would have to say yeah . If you glass up a mule deer and you turn to ask your buddy " Hey do think this buck is very big ?" ,well he isnt . When you spot a big one you say "Holy Cow! , man look at that BIG buck .

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Would I be too simple minded if I mentioned........



'No Brainer'......... or.......... 'Not good enough'



;) :P ;)





Actually... I guess.... sometimes I'm right..... sometimes I'm wrong.... ;) Really.... I'm not joking! ;) :P

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