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looks like they got another shipment is anybody going there first thing in the morning 

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I have no reason to go there, but I'm willing to help out.  The problem is:  Their prices can be high and I wouldn't have time to call everyone to make sure they are still wanting to purchase.  I have found that sometimes their store prices are slightly different than their website prices.  I just don't want to get hung out to dry by paying for items that never get picked up.  How could we make this work?

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I live near by. Tempting just not sure how much he’s charging. Last week wasn’t bad 44.99 per pound but none of these powders I think were there. 
now he has varget retumbo and 4350 so might mark them up like primers 

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ill pay what they cost i could do pay pal or venmo whtever works i would do that rite away for you so your not out of money 

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6 hours ago, THAUGHT said:

I purchased 10 lbs of Retumbo. If anyone needs a lb or two, I’ll sell for what it cost me. $60 per lb + tax

Count me in for two. I will make it worth your while also

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