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Which rifle is best for coues and psossibly elk?

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Another vote for the 7mm. I have the remington 7mm with a Muzzlebreak. Me and my kids have taken lots of game with it. Elk, Antelope, Mule deer, coues and bear. The break does make a difference for the kids and they shoot it well.

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Ok guys im goin with the 7mm. How much does a muzzle break cost? Also what kind of recoil pad would you guys recomend? Walmart sells a limbsaver one that says it reduces up to 80% recoil. Should i get something like that or one she actually puts on her shoulder?

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one of my 7mm mags is a ruger 77. I have killed several animals with it. the only thing I do not like about it is that the barrel is very light and after about 4 rounds the barrel gets to hot and the accuracy falls off considerably as the bullets start to wander all over the paper. IMO the remington 700 is a better gun.

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A brake will cost $125-150 (and possibly your hearing :blink: ) The Vais is a good one.

The Sims Limbsavers are good pads for the rifle. Some prefit models may be available. If not a gunsmith can grind one to fit and attach.

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I got my new 700 adl 7 mag with 26 in. barrel at walmart for closeout price of $325.00 .



Several companies make youth model rifles , for a lot of women these are a better fit . You might want to consider getting your GF one of those . Make sure you get one in something besides 243 or the unethical 7-08 .


She might be able to shoot the 7 mag in hunting situations if you let her practice with smaller caliber and taught her proper form .

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Several companies make youth model rifles , for a lot of women these are a better fit . You might want to consider getting your GF one of those . Make sure you get one in something besides 243 or the unethical 7-08 .


HA! I have watched my nephew take 1 bull elk and 1 cow elk with a .243.

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The 270 is plenty of gun for elk, and great for deer. My wife has killed 5 elk with the 270 shootin 130 gr. core lokts. Its all about shot placement. All elk were killed from 50yds out to around 200 yds. All one shot kills.

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