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Misc for Sale

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2 boxes of Sierra .308 150gr Pro-Hunters (2130) 45.00 for both. 2 bricks of .22 American Eagle (38gr) and Winchester (36gr) 40.00 each. RCBS Precision Mic 7-08, RCBS 3 Die Carb set .40SW/10mm Auto. 30.00 each. CCI Large Rifle Magnum primers (250) 50.00. Springfield Armoury XD-S banner 47x23 free to good home. I live in Chandler, perfer pick up in same. First I'll take it here gets it.



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5 minutes ago, joohnnybgood said:

I'll take the two bricks and the 708 dies. Seconds on the 308 bullets please.

The RCBS Precision Mic isn't a die, it's a tool for measuring headspace, and it will measure cartridge overall length, but all I've used it for is headspace. Do you still want it? .22 ammo is SPF if you want them.

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Seconds on the 10mm dies

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