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Hornady 55gr FMJBT w/ cannelure Bulk packed

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I’ve got up to 3000 of hornady bulk packed (packed myself) 55gr FMJBT w cannelure.

I opened the box and threw these in to food saver bags myself to seal them for long term storage. All bags were done by weight and weighed evenly so there should be extras as there’s generally about 20 extra in one of these bulk boxes.

$125 per 1000

Located in Peoria. Only thing I’d be interested in as trade is H335 minimum 4lbs.

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The cheapest I've seen those bullets go for was about $0.08 each pre-hype and that was at the lowest point. They were normally $0.10 to $0.12 each prior. So, unless someone had better connections, $0.125 each is still a really decent deal. If I didn't have 6,000 of my own I'd probably be looking to by yours right now.

Best wishes.

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