I have a dozen radial X-weave pro 100's uncut with inserts- $60
a dozen Easton Power flight 500's uncut with inserts- $60
Fuse Caldera 2 pc quiver holds 4- $60
A dozen Easton bloodline 400's fletched cut to 27.5"- $75
Eastman 1/2 doz 125 gr Terminator X2 broad heads- $25
Thunder head 125- #3 unopened- $10
Quicktune Sizzor rest RH- $75
6 zwickey eskimo heads NEW $15
6 Zwickey diamond heads NEW $15
Alot of other traditional broadheads Call if interested
Dog house popup blind $25
Large cylinder wood burning stove with all the goodies $225
4 Primos turkey hunting DVD's never opened $20
If someone is looking for some fletched arrows about 28" I have a ton of them that I dont shoot nor did I feel l like going through them all this morning. If you are interested in any of this stuff let me know. Thanks