I would like to trade my Leica HD-B 2200 Range Finding Binoculars for a pair a Swarovarski 10 x 42 El. These are a limited edition green. I have owned this binos since 2017 and have been very happy with the performance overall. I am just trying to get into some EL's without breaking the bank. These are perfect for archery hunters as the button is on the right hand side and closest distance is 10 yards and include EHR distance.
I am including a link to a professional review by panhandle precision on the binos. Looking for a trade only. Locally would be ideal so we could check out each others glass before we make a trade. Thank you for looking.
Would like to trade only for:
Swarovorski 10x42 El
Swarovorski 8.5x42 EL
Swarovorski 8x42 EL