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Well finally got it done yesterday morning. First elk with a bow. Hunt started off on the 12th for myself and my buddy tim and had a another buddy dave to help us out with glassing and communication. We knew this would be an extremely hard hunt to begin with but i'm always up for the challenge. First day saw about 8 bulls in which tim and i both bailed off a huge rim to go in after them. My bull disappeared and tim was on his elk. Had one coming across the ridge on my way back, and that turned into three nice 6x's scream down the hill at me. Got on the radio to dave but he was helping tim on his stalk. Bulls came within 40 yds i drew back and didn't have a lane, shifted a foot or so and the wind shifted and they were gone. Tim ended up missing on his so we met back up mid hill and the dreaded hike back out of the canyon. So the next few days brought several bulls but not for archery. Rifle no problem. And the weather moved in with cold and very windy conditions. We hunted till weds the 19th in the am and then tim had to tend to family matters at home. My wife shot up on monday night and i hunted with her for the next few days till we left on weds. I missed her and the kids so i decided to head back down the hill weds night. I thought i was done for the rest of the hunt but she talked me into going back up. So i headed back up on friday afternoon and her and the kids followed up that night. We discussed a game plan and i took her advice and went to her spot. After all this woman spends a ton of time in the field every year. So i listened to my wife and went on. Granted right in every way, she told me the night before you will get your bull tomorrow. So i went and sat my spot and i knew they moved form 730 till 8. About 755 i was ready to move and asked the good lord just please give me some sign. Sure as that i hear a branch break to my left. Im up a ridge and draw back i hear breathing and see antlers pop around the corner and about peed my pants. didnt have a chance to range but i had ranged a spot at 40 and he was way closer than that. Set my 30 pin on bottom of his stomach and let it fly. Heard and saw the smack, i thought dang i hit him high. He doesn't run. Walks off about 10 yds, stopped and started to do the death wobble takes two more steps hits the tree flips over on his back antlers down and all 4s in the air. Heard the moan and he was dead. From the time i shot it was no more than a minute and half and he was dead. I lucked out. I immediately called my wife, she was on the other side of the unit shed hunting of course and she was on her way. When everyone finally got to him i saw i hit him almost perfect for being at a slight incline. Missed the shoulder blade and right into the heart. Found the broke shaft and the broad head when i finished taking off the shoulder.This is a bull of a lifetime. I cannot thank and praise my wife enough. I love this woman more than life itself and just love being in the field with her. Just for putting up with my addiction and for being my best friend and being excited about me getting my first archery bull. You are the best holly. Pics dont do this bull justice but does give it some insight. He ended up being a 6x7, broke g2 on right side. has tons of character with his missing g3 wrapped under his ear. This bull carried so much mass is was ridiculous. Took him to dale at wild heritage and he is doing our mount and scored him for us. He ended up being a non-typical scoring 345 2/8. Truly a bull of a lifetime. Enjoy everyone, i think I'm still in shock
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