Hoghunter spent a lot of time helping in the classifieds. He passed away a couple of days ago during an operation.
His wife asked another member, Bill@roofer, to post her words, but he was having a hard time making it happen. So he asked for my help.
I know this is not necessarily the politically correct place, but Hoghunter spent a lot of time here. In the short time I've been here I've grown to appreciate and respect him. He is missed already.
Here is what she sent and requested be posted:
"If you want to post this- from Heather
Many of you know that Mike passed away on Monday. He was a great dad, avid hunter and lover of animals, and my best friend. We are still trying to figure out what all the next steps are so we appreciate all the well wishes. I thank all who have reached out to help and if I did not respond to everyone, I'm sorry. I will try to get back to you. Even though many people will not get to be with sick loved ones because of the pandemic, I was blessed to be with Mike when he went to meet Jesus. He is no longer crippled and in pain but dancing with Jesus. Praise God!"