I've been really trying to steer away from politically themed topics these days as they generally divide more than they unite, on this forum and others.
But despite all the horribly corrupt scandals going on right now, the VA, IRS targeting, F&F, Benghazi, Sebelius, Solyndra - each with their own weight to sink any legitimate president, one stands out that I can not believe hasn't finally congealed and been the turning point among common-ground Americans.
Obama, against the advice of his highest ranking military advisers, releases 5 of the most dangerous men in the world from Gitmo, knowing they will kill Americans in exchange for a pansy traitor - who broke lines and deserted, while 6 good men died trying to "save" him, and others died while he helped direct fire on their positions and gave intel on how they would react to a direct attack.
Meanwhile looking the other way while a "true" hero, Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, is held, beaten, threatened in a Mexican drug-cartel owned prison. Kerry had every opportunity to advocate for his release and refused to do so.
If there is an inkling of doubt in your mind whether obama is just incompetent, or whether he is actively, and very successfully "transforming America" into a 3rd world country, this should be your wake up call.