To the CW members that these photos look familiar - Thank You for your business and your referrals.
To the CW members we haven't met yet - come by anytime and take a look around and compare our pricing & service. We're finally stocked back up with guns (lots of AR's) and a decent supply of ammo too.
9mm, 22LR are still hard to get and gunpowder is a pain to come by, but it's looking better every week. Our web store is undergoing renovations will be back online soon too with the ability to place local will-call orders so it's ready when you arrive. We'll let you know when it's ready to go.
We have a layaway program and we special order too. Let us know what you need.
Store Location: 3164 S Country Club Dr #10, Mesa, AZ 85210
CLICK HERE for a map to the shop
Hunting, tactical and sporting shotguns
AR's in .308 and 5.56 / Mini 14's too
Big game hunting rifles, predator caller rifles in 17HMR / .223 / 22-250 / 204 Ruger, rimfire fun guns, shotgun/rifle combo guns and more
Handgun ammo - target rounds and defensive carry
Rifle ammo - still got some open spots but recovering nicely. We stock Hunting Shack long range ammo and should have all of the HSM - Berger VLD hunting ammo choices back on the shelf before hunting season gets going again.
Cleaning supplies
Lots of hanguns
And as always - the Wildlife Tech Mighty Atom 21 - stop by for a sound demo and hear what you've been missing. Better yet, bring your e-caller with you & listen to them side-by-side.
Need a decoy? We have that too.