I learned a very valuable lesson in late January this year...
I was backpacking into a place where I thought I would set up and glass. I was coming up out of a draw when I saw a whitetail doe, and then her boyfriend walked out, stood broadside 30 yards, and stared at me. I was able to pull an arrow out of the quiver and get set up. In the excitement, I had forgotten that I had left my release in my pack, thinking that I would do a spot and stalk. What a bummer!!! Well, sort of. Okay, what about the topic.... Well, the strange thing about this buck was that he only had one antler. It was a very typical 3 point, but only one. I didn't see anything on the other side. Appeared as smooth as a billiard ball.
Eventually the doe took off, the buck followed. That's when the mule deer buck I had not seen at all went stotting off. I was floored!!!!! He had been behind a manzanita bush and I was so keyed in on the whitetail that I never thought to look around.
A few years ago I was in Oregon and saw some Blacktail that had only one antler and was told that it was a genetic problem. Has anybody seen anything like this in Arizona Coues? I suppose he could have broken it off right at the base? I have several photos of a buck on a trailcam that has both of his fronts broken off, so I know they can break. any thoughts...?
Please forgive me if this post belongs some place else... My first post