So, with the impending doom of decision making looming upon us for javelina... I have a question for the group.
Can my 14 yr old step son partake in the HAM hunt with us. Obviously he's a minor, but what are the legalities of him carrying for a HAM hunt.
--- I took him on the rifle youth hunt for his first youth hunt. We did Hunter Safety together (both required and wanted to). We helped him out, it was his hunt for sure. had buy in and shared thoughts and steered the hunt. But it was also 2 weeks before my rifle deer. Logistically speaking, it kicked my butt. It was basically pack, hunt, clean and wash all my gear, and start all over. So rather than running the risk of it happening again last year, I put him in with us in the general deer. If he can carry without either of us getting in trouble, I would like to put him in with us on the HAM.