After cooking for 4 days on the Women's Javelina Hunting Camp I finally got to get out and hunt with my wife. We had 3 days to scout before our general season tags and finally enjoyed the nice weather after rain and high winds during the women's hunt. Opening morning had us in a spot where I had scouted up a few pigs. It was 23 deg and a cold morning as we reached our destination where we would start glassing. As the sun started moving it's way down on the distant hills deer were popping up everywhere. Peg hadn't got out of the truck yet when I knocked on the window and said I had found pigs. Actually it was one pig but I knew there had to be more than I was seeing. I showed Peg where they were and she said no way am I walking that far. Ok, came from me, and as I prepared to leave she said she would try it. That's my girl and off we left leaving our lab in the truck with the windows partly down. I'm thinking close to a mile away and we reached our destination 1 1/2 hr later. Of course they weren't there by the time we reach them. We had left the truck at 8 am and it was now 9:30. Not really knowing where they might had gone when we heard two pigs showing their dislike for each other. Half an hour passed and one pig topped out at 60yrds. I had already tagged one in archery season so I didn't care if I shot one or not so I told Peg to shot it in the head with her 25-06 and not waste any meat. BANG and it was history. We stayed still and 20 minutes later and three more pigs came up over about 75yrds up the hill and I took a lung shot and we were tagged out. Peg said why didn't you shoot it in the head and I said I'm not as good a shot as you are. We got a good laugh out of that.
After field dressing our pigs I loaded both on my pack and started off the hill. My pack weighed 84lbs. and I only got half way back to the truck before I thought I was going to pass out. I dropped Peg's pig on the ground in some shade and continued on to the truck. After some gatorade and dry heaves I started back the half mile to retrieve her pig. It took me two days to recover from dehydration.
Peg's pig dressed out 30lbs
My pig dressed out 40lbs
I taught her well and she loves skinning out game.
Peg preparing seasoning for our sausage.
I love this as much as I love hunting them.
Saves you hundreds in proccessing
15lbs of jalapeno summer sausage / 14lbs of chorizo / 10lbs breakfast sausage.
Those who know me know I love hunting and eating these little critters.
ps.....The reason I titled this tortilla pigs is because our good friend Debbie from javi camp brought us fresh tortillas and I told my wife I was eating one for breakfast to bring us good luck.