ok time to clear out the library of huntin dvds.
there is a lot of videos here......
I'd like to do avoid shipping if at all possible
Live in Tempe can meet at bass pro or ?
would have more if people would give them back when you loan em out...LOL!
let's go $5 each
These have some invaluable info
predator hunting dvds are as follows
verminators predator or prey
Randy Anderson Calling all coyotes vol 2
The Truth calling all coyote vol 2, vol 3, and vol 4 ( these are also Randy Anderson)
verminators BOW MADNESS ( all bow kills )
operation predator vol 3 vol 4 and vol 5
Quaker Boy predator huntin'
Mark Zepp's callin coytes
predator quest ( Jeff and Les Johnson )
coming to the call with Byron South
hunting the night shift: Predators... ( this is all about calling predators at night )
Never Enough Glassing secrets to success (vortex optics covers methods of glassin and optics)
For you strip nuts
Muley Crazy vol 1,2, and 3 (3 disk set)
Muley Crazy vol 4
Muley Crazy Legend of the strip.
Muley Madness vol 2
Best of Mule deer Stalker
Bucks Unlimited
Lowland Mulies vol 1 and 2 (2 disk set)
Primos videos
Truth series:
bowHunting vol 2
bowHunting vol 3
bowHunting vol 4
Truth 12 Big Bucks
Truth Big Game Out West
Muzzy Bad to the Bone
Realtree monster buck XI vol 1 & 2 ( 2 disk set )
Performance Bowhunting vol 1 with Bob Fromme
Performance Bowhunting vol 2 with Bob Fromme
Hunter's Specialties Prime Time Bucks
Drury 100% fair wild/fair chase
Another Year on the Ground ( Double Bull Blinds )
Southwest Outdoors Pure Huntin' ELK vol 3
Also have about 24 Arizona Hunter & Angler some 03' 04' 07' 08 ) ( not complete Years ) FREE if you pick up