Here is my wife's bull for 4A. We hunted spot and stalk hard for 8 days and were able to get in the several great bulls. But none wanted to give us a good shot. This hunt was harder than prior years due to the bulls not talking much or responding to calls. It heated up towards the end of the week and we decided to take our chances sitting a tree stand over a dirt tank that turned in a wallow. We had this bull come in almost at dark and she took her shot at 25 yrds hit him with a 100 grain Swhacker. She hit the offside shoulder and wasn't able to pass through. We opted after following his tracks to come back at first light. My wife was the found who found him and needless to say she was stoked with her kill. The best part was we were able to get the entire thing on video and as soon a it is edited we will post for you all to see.
Check out his teeth. How old do you think he is?\