After congratulation a young girl on her first pig it dawned on me how many comments I have heard over the years and especially lately that hunting camps and hunting is no place for girls. That just doesn't settle well with me and I was wondering why I still hear these stories today.
As I look back on my childhood I can't remember any girls hunting. I was brought up hunting at a very young age and not once did I ever hear my granddad or dad mention that girls weren't allowed to go hunting nor was it discussed. For example Thanksgiving was a day all the men and boys went rabbit hunting while the moms and daughters cooked and had our dinner waiting for us at the end of the day. Fishing was a different story. All the women in my family could hold their own when it came to catching fish.
I have a family member who believes hunting camps are no place for women or dogs. In the past 4yrs, helping on the Women's Javelina Hunting Camps, I hear from some of the women that they were never allowed to go hunting and some husbands still won't take them hunting today. Some say it's because their husband's friends don't think it's a place for women. WHAT?
Some of you may ask why is this even being discussed. To be quite honest I never gave it much thought before volunteering with hunting camps. The hard work I have seen from so many women in the field on projects and those who support and work their tails off in all of our hunting organizations goes without saying they don't get the respect from SOME men who think it's a man's sport.
Why is this still an issue or am I the only one still hearing these kind of stories?