Dont miss the Annual Marvin Robbins Memorial Juniors Spring Turkey Hunting Camp at Colcord Ridge Campground. Camp is limited, so register early! This camp caters to over-the-counter tags in units 4A and 4B as well as draw tags for units 23 and 3C. The camp is April 18th to 20th and is FREE. We need mentors who are willing to help try to get kids on birds and teach them basic outdoor skills, hunting ethics, and turkey hunting. Mentoring is as fun (if not more) as hunting yourself and its definitely a rewarding experience. Please consider being a mentor!
Includes free lunch and dinner, snacks and drinks Friday and Saturday. Also there will be raffle prizes and gifts sponsored by Cabelas, Arizona Elk Society and Valley Longbeards Chapter of the NWTF. Turkey hunting/calling seminar Friday and Saturday and predator hunting/calling seminar Saturday.
Details, camp location, schedule and registration info: