A few years back when my Mom and Dad passed away I was lucky enough to inherit a rifle that had belonged to my Grandpa Pace a Winchester Model 1894 hex barrell 30-30.
I had my son look it over, clean it up and go put a few rounds through it just to give me the assurance that it was ready to use again.
I picked it up yesterday, man what a sweet 30-30. I killed my first deer with a 30-30.
On the drive home, I got to thinking....what if....all hunting regs for big game reverted back in time to an open sights only?
Pre-scope hunting........I often think I have spoiled my own boys by getting them some of the best hunting gear available and not making them shoot their first big game with just an old fashioned open sights gun.
I know....beautiful drive home with way too much time to think about all the deer hunting stories my Grandpa used to tell me and all his deer he killed using that 30-30.