About 27 years ago when I moved from Oklahoma to Arizona, one of the first things my family did was visit the Grand Canyon, including the North Rim. I saw more deer in one weekend than I had seen in my entire life - and I hoped one day I would get to hunt up there.
I don't want to jump the gun, but my wife informed me that our cc was hit for 2 youth tags and one adult - I put all three boys in for unit 27 youth, separately, and for myself either 13B or 12A West, late.
So it looks a lot like I'll finally get the chance to go on the hunt of my dreams. All day long I've had the "butterflies", can't even focus at work, lol.
I'm not even sure whether I'd prefer one hunt over the other - At least I have some idea what to expect in 12AW, as I went up there a couple years ago with a buddy and got pretty familiar with the area, but the possibility that it could be 13B, an area I've never even seen....makes me nervous.
I won't be hiring a guide - nothing against guides - just not the way I want to hunt it, but I am hoping to go up there with some ideas to get started, and try to make the best of the information I have at hand.
Normally, I wouldn't ask for unit-specific information, but, c'mon this is the strip. I would love to get any suggestions via PM of course, and it's not like a normal hunt where sharing information can wreck your honey hole. Most of us will only hunt this area once, maybe twice in a lifetime if we're lucky.
If anyone here has hunted these units in the past and has some suggestions of things to do, things not to do, places to go or avoid, I would love to hear from you.
I'm hoping to avoid driving too much and glassing too little, trying to figure out where I should be, but there is so much country and it's a long way away, it's going to be tough to pre-scout without some ideas and insights from people who have done it before.