On Wednesday before the archery elk hunt my wife and brother-in -law went out to check camera's and swap out cards. At that time everything was fine with this camera and we got some good pictures. On the third day of the hunt we went to hunt this area and found that some want-to-be JA elk hunter had taken my camera. The low life had to break the camera to get it and then left the mounting base still attached to the tree.
My question is what are these want-to-be's doing that they have to break and steel a camera just to keep ther photo from being seen? Any JA that would stoup to this leval can not call them selves a hunter or guide, just a lower than scum dirt bag. We saw several other hunters and guides in the area and are currently trying to find out who they are.
I had moved this cam at the beginning of the Deer hunt because someone else set a camera and ground blind in the saddle just above its location. And the area is big enough that I did not want to interfear with their hunt.
This camera would have taken a photo of this elk on the evening that this photo was taken because he was staning infront of the camera if it had been there when the arrow hit him
To all low lifes out there If it is not yours don't take it