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Hey CWT I have been putting in for Sandhill crane for like 7 years. I never thought I would get a tag but this year I did. I have no idea where to go or where to start. I'm looking forward for some ribeye from the sky but I have no idea where to start. Any help would be great., thanks guys. Thanks, Michael.
I was thinking about putting in for sandhill crane tags this year. Are there decent opportunities on public land? I've seen some hunts the guides offer that look like a lot of fun, but I enjoy getting on critters myself if possible. I know the cranes feed in the farm fields, which I would assume is private, so just wondering if there's ways to hunt'em on public. I've never seen one, so even without tags , I wanna go check'em out anyway. I hunt 31 quite a bit, but never really checked around for crane ( usually preoccupied looking for deer). So, just wanna hear other's opinions, experiences, or stories.
I put my husband and I in and was successful at obtaining Sandhill Crane permits for the both of us. I wanted to put us in because once in a while while duck hunting we come across some cranes at tanks. With the Thanksgiving holiday, family and work obligations-today, Sunday, would be our only chance to get a crane. Duck hunting today was pretty much the pits. But...we did run into some cranes!!! At one of the tanks my husband was able to get two cranes as they flew off the tank. I shot once-missed and my gun jammed so wasn't able to make a second shot. As we got another tank in sight we found 50-60 cranes sitting on the bank! Now how was I going to do this tank? Well...this is how I did it. Sam stayed at the truck which was about a half mile from the tank to clean his two cranes. I took off with his gun to put a stalk on. I went way, way wide around to the back of the tank. Then I crawled along the side of the bank on my hands and knees, hoping that if any crane saw me they wouldn't think I was of any danger. I looked over the bank and on the far side of the tank were about 8 cranes feeding. I'd have to get closer for a shot. I went back down the side of the tank and came up in a spot that was closer but still pretty far. Then I noticed 2 more cranes closer yet still far enough away that I wasn't real comfortable taking the shot. I could see cranes still on top of the bank where they were when I began this stalk but they were way out of range. As I'm trying to decide what my next move should be, some cattle came running in from the back of the tank. They scare the cranes up, all 50-60 cranes. As some flew over somewhat close to me I took a shot and one fell. I was EXCITED!!!! My 45 minute stalk was a SUCCESS!!! Undue to popular belief it is possible to sneak up on 50-60 Sandhill cranes that are standing on the main bank of a tank. I reloaded my gun and radioed Sam that I had downed a crane. I took a step as I headed to my downed crane and up came some mallards off the water that I hadn't even seen. They had been right below me. I downed one drake. (Icing on my cake) So then I called Sam to tell him I have a duck. He thought I shot a duck, mistaking it for a crane!!!! NOT! I got both. I'm including photos of me with my crane and Sam with his two cranes.