A teacher at our school has put together an after school program involving students interested in becoming more tech savy.
They entered a contest that initially started out competing against schools across the nation.
They have been narrowed down to the top ten finalists out of the 50 states.
We need help voting for this project!
Please take the time to watch the short video and then vote for SJHS!! Ironic thing is if you take the time to watch the video you will notice it is wildlife related in an effort to help reduce accidents on the highway involving animals. http://www.samsung.com/us/solvefortomorrow/home.html
If you scroll to the bottom of the page you will find all finalist videos!
All voting is via twitter so I had to break down and get a twitter account
Thanks for looking and appreciate any votes we can get. You can vote once per day until the competition is over.
If you follow me on twitter Jeff Mortensen nontypical60 you can just click the link there and it will take you to the site to vote.
If you are familiar with twitter you probably already know that but I know nothing about twitter except how to vote for this project!!!