Do to my lack of knowledge I haven't been posting much on cwt lately while spending time up at our trailer in Tonto Basin. Just don't seem to get this computer stuff figured out very well. The fishing has been slow for us on Roosevelt and the wind has been terrible for the last month. Knowing the blue gill bite should be turning on at Saguaro any day now we decided to come home and give it a try. We delayed our Mother's Day trip by a day to escape the crowd. Peg and I never had any kids of our own but she raised many doing daycare for over 36 yrs out of our home. She was a mother to a lot of kids and would have made a great mom. I guess the good lord figured she had her hands full raising me that she didn't have time for kids. Her Mother's Day fishing trip replaced her flowers and card but I did take her out for breakfast so I'm not all that selfish.
The blue gills didn't cooperate like we hoped for but it was a good day to be out on the lake. Here's a few Mother's Day pictures.
The fishing started out slow
Then Peg lands this beauty. I let her catch this because it was Mother's Day.
The ravens were attacking the eagles. Not sure what that was all about.
I landed here above us for a short time.
The eagles put on a fishing clinic for us. They made it look easy.
Here's a bucket of pan fish. 29 of the 60 plus yellow bass we caught and 9 keeper blue gills.
These yellow bass are pretty meaty.
Catching was more fun than the cleaning part.
My Mother's Day present to my wife was letting her catch the biggest and most.