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Found 32 results

  1. locky33

    WTS: Mathews VXR 31.5 SOLD

    Looking to sell my Mathews VXR 31.5 complete bow in Optifade Open Country . Bow is in good condition. May need new cables in the future as there is some fraying of the serving by the lower cam. Bow is currently set up at 75# draw at 28.5” draw length and has ABB Platinum string and cables. I have 70# and 65# mods for it. Super easy to change out. Has Mathews QAD Ultrarest Integrated MX drop away rest, Black Gold Ascent 5 pin slider, Mathews Quiver quick detach, Engage limb legs, and Bee Stinger 8” stabilizer. It also has the Mathews side plates on it but I still have the original grip. I am located in Flagstaff. Please message me with questions or interest. Price = $900 $800
  2. Selling my complete set-up. Case, Mathews Solo Cam Z7. Set for 27.5 RHD currently. Probably could be re-stringed and you would want a bow shop to adjust it. Including case, lots of arrows, broad heads, etc. nice 7 pin sight, drop down rest. This has seen 4-5 hunts and been treated nicely. When I had it dialed in it was doing 5" groups at 80 yards. Soft case. Lots of extras not pictured. Just getting too old for bow-hunting unfortunately. Near Chandler and I-10. Or I can bring it up to Overgaard in August when I come up. Let me know. text six-oh-two-690-zero-six-six-three. $500 OBO
  3. RippK157

    Mathew LX

    IMG_3156.MOV Complete setup. Arrows, case, release, target, everything you need to start shooting. $300
  4. SirRomey

    Mathews Halon 32 for sale

    Mathews Halon 32 for sale. Stone riser and Optifade Elevated 2 limbs. Bow will come with Mathews QAD rest and Mathews quiver. Draw length is currently at 26.5 but could be changed with mod kit. Limbs are 70lbs. $500 and all you need is a sight or just the bow itself for $400. Text is best if you want to see or shoot the bow. Located in Sahuarita but I’m in Tucson often during the week. 5209918760
  5. SirRomey

    Mathews Avail LH

    Purchased this at Bull Basin in Tucson for my wife. She’s maybe shot this bow 2 times. LH Mathews Avail, Mathews QAD UltraRest, Black Gold Rush 5 pin sight. Will come with a bow case and release. $900 for the whole package. Text if Interested (520) 991-8760
  6. Bowhuntorbust

    Hoyt torrex xt

    2020 hoyt torrex xt go read some reviews about this bow amazing bow just got a new one which is why i am selling asking 900 shoot me an offer or ask me questions 623 910 3399
  7. Bowhuntorbust


    Selling my Hoyt Torrex xt have had it for around a year it is in pretty dang good condition comes with a qad drop away rest a stinger stabilizer and a spot Hogg sight Basically perfect condition 900 shoot me a text 623-910-3399
  8. Bowhuntorbust

    Looking to buy a Bow

    Looking to buy a newer Mathews bow interested in the traverse and newer Ideal price range would be around 800-900 bucks shoot me a text 623-910-3399
  9. Spalognof

    ISO Mathews Bow

    Want to buy a Mathews Bow setup. What’s out there?
  10. Hanksaiditbest

    Mathews Creed 70lb RH 28.5 DL( TAN)

    Mathews Creed 60-70lb RH 28.5 adjustable DL (Fuse 6 arrow quiver and whisker biscuit included) This has been a fantastic bow. Well kept with only small cosmetic paint knicks. Always tuned and serviced by Bull Basin in Flagstaff. String has plenty of life only minor wear where serving cycles through cam. Only selling due to upgrade. Located in Flagstaff but can ship (extra $25) $480 obo
  11. Hanksaiditbest

    Mathews Creed 60-70lb RH Coyote tan

    Mathews Creed 60-70lb draw currently set at 28.5 but adjustable. This has been a great bow for me just felt that it was time to upgrade. $450 with whisker biscuit and fuse 6 arrow quiver. IMG_2244.HEIC IMG_2253.HEIC
  12. bradleylarson48

    Mathews Triax vs VXR

    I’m looking to possibly buy a new bow. I really want a short ATA 28”. I’m looking at the Mathews vxr which is like 1000 or the triax which I can find used for like 650-700. I haven’t shot either but I want other opinions on which I should buy. It wouldn’t be very soon. But just wondering what you guys think would be a better buy.
  13. AZGrayGhostHunter

    Mathews Halon 32 $650 obo

    I have a Mathews Halon 32 with 6 brace height, 70lbs limbs and a 27.5 draw. It comes in the sub-alpine camo. Asking $650 bare bow. Open to trades as well. Call or text (928) 3zero1-nine16two
  14. Hanksaiditbest

    RH Hoyt raider intruder FS

    Finally upgraded the ol' classic with a new Mathews this year. Good bow, put some animals on the ground still plenty of life left to do it, would also be a good bowfishing rig. 60-70lb draw 27-28.5 length. Hoyt 12 arrow quiver, sight, stabilizer, release, (no rest). Asking $180 obo
  15. hferrin701

    Mathews 6 arrow quiver

    Mathews 6 arrow quiver, great shape no issues, all hardware included, $80.
  16. hferrin701

    Mathews Chill R 29" 70 #

    Mathews Chill R bare bow, 70#, 29", new string, no issues, i bought the halon 32, need to part with this. $525 pick up, $550 tyd. Can deliver to Tucson this Thursday. May consider trading for Vortex Razor 50M spotting scope.
  17. Mathews Chill R 70# 29" draw, 85% rock mods, QAD ultra rest HDX, b stinger stabilizer, great shape, newer Vapor trail string, $750. I make trips to Tucson and PHX areas for work, will consider delivery, prefer paypal if shipping.
  18. DrtRoadRody

    2010 Mathews Hyperlite

    2010 Mathews hyperlite for sale. Smooth shooting bow and light weight. Bow has 70lb limbs and is set at 28.5 inch draw. String was replaced last year and still in good shape. Has a G5 peep sight and fuse stabilizer. Asking 200.00. Located in Mesa/Gilbert. If you have any questions shoot me a pm. Thanks for looking - David
  19. DrtRoadRody

    Mathews Bow package

    I've decided to sell my Mathews Hyperlite. Bow is in good condition and shoots really nice and smooth. Limbs are 60-70lb and has 28.5" draw cam. Bow is in realtree camo. 5 arrow tight spot quiver. QUAD fall away rest. Fuse Stabilizer. Also comes with a travel SKB hard case. If you have any questions just shoot me a pm. asking 400.00 obo for everything. edit: The spott hogg sight is no longer with the bow.
  20. gauchoand

    Garage sale of some stuff

    Just clearing out some stuff thats not being used or dont need/want anymore Aimpoint T1 with LRP 1/3 cowitness mount 2MOA sight $550 Mathews Reezen 6.5 28.5" cam on it 70 lb draw weight. Includes the drop away rest and stabilizer will also include the a plano bow case with it $425 Apple Ipad 2 32gb with verizon cellular, includes the box and a Burton Case $140 I have a lifted ezgo for sale, late 90s I can't recall off the top of my head. Titled so street legal. It has a 18 hp Briggs and Stratton v twin vanguard in it. LED light bar and front lights need to be rewired in and motor too. It is driving and motor starts and drives. Due up for tune up. Also included with the auction is a Polaris 400 sport quad. It is in pieces and could be used for to swap into the golf cart or whatever uses same size belts as quad. Should not be too much work. Not willing to separate at this time. FIRM $2200 for both.
  21. nooch2222

    Mathews creed xs

    Selling my Mathews creed xs. 28" draw length and 70lb draw weight. https://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/spo/5275796150.html
  22. I know this story is a little late in the year, but I thought I'd share it anyway! This is my second archery coues deer with my Mathews Jewel. I hunted for 8 long days in the best unit in the world (27) and bagged this boy all on my own. It was my first hunt that my dad let me do on my own! I loved the experience of it but it is definitely better to have someone experience it with you and share that story. Anyways, I made a perfect shot right through the lungs at 30 yds. He went maybe 40 yds before he dropped dead:) I shot him with a grim reaper broad head (as well as my 2014 buck) and I will never use any other broad head again! There amazing-in my personal opinion. Also, I don't care if any of you think he's "too small" because I love him and am very proud of him! Thanks for reading! Good hunting, Shelby Teel P.S. If anyone missed my 2014 buck it's on my page, check it out!
  23. Selling a 2014 Mathews ChillR . Bought new in April of 2014. Bare bow only. 27 inch draw, 70 lbs limbs. Has 85% Rock Mods installed. Great shooter and in excellent condition for $700 firm . Pick up only. Call or text Joe at 623-810-1254. Live in Goodyear, AZ.
  24. Bowen83

    Sig .40 SP2022

    Brand new condition maybe 50 rounds at most through it. It is the SP2022. comes with 3 boxes of hollow points, extra grip, holster. Looking to get a new no cam HTR is the only reason for selling. $450.00
  25. Brand new condition Sig SP2022. Maybe 50 rounds through it at most. Comes with holster, extra grip, and 3 boxes of hornady hollow points. I am getting back into Bow hunting and am sacrificing one of my pistol for a new Mathews no cam HTR.